Brainwashing is filed under unskillfullness. It's NO good figuring how it works or why. No need to dissect it or analyze it. No need to write books about it or go on lecture tours all over the world. That would be the very height of willful ignorance. Self-destruction on steroids.
How do you get over the fear that strikes a person like myself? There is a terrible fear I have of actually leaving everything and openly going into Reiki and other metaphysical activities (sent you a Facebook message). I honestly don't know how to get over myself. Does it just come with time?
Exposing brainwashing is the next step in the brainwashing program. The final stage requires NO brainwashing because everyone is so completely f*cked up, it is no longer necessary?
Everyone is insanely messed up. "Body shaming?" Absolute political correctness is much too excessive nowadays, it's sick. Everything is sick. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, actually of low intellect in reality, but my goodness, people are dumb and impressionable. They truly are.
Gnostic shamans have always been intent on seeking out the wiring behind the board by penetrating things they shouldn't. Gnosis is the carrot. This explains why shamans were over-keen to explore their feminine side.
It is quite possible to watch TV "mindfully". If one fully understands what one is seeing, it can offer unique insight and access to the human collective unconscious AND the Akashic Records.
White noise signal is the sound that contains the all the frequencies of the sound spectrum at equal volume. It is a great sound for meditation and also for cleaning crystals?
During the Middle Ages, the term "artisan" was applied to those who made things or provided services. It did not apply to unskilled manual laborers. Artisans were divided into two distinct groups: those who operated their own businesses and those who did not. Those who owned their businesses were called masters, while the latter were the journeymen and apprentices.
Artisans were the dominant producers of consumer products prior to the Industrial Revolution. According to classical economics theory, the division of labor occurs with internal market development (Adam Smith). However, according to economist John Hicks, merchants and artisans originated as servants to the rulers.
The Illuminati seem to have an unusually passionate, if bizarre, attachment to jewelry, tie tacks, ties, and items of clothing. The Masons wear aprons, high hats, black clothing. They wear ties and rings emblazoned with symbols. And as the individual Mason progresses upwards to the 33rd degree, he is awarded "Jewels" befitting his various earned degrees.
Isn't sometimes knowing how brainwashing works or by what means it is perpetuated a means to avoid being brainwashed further?
Wait. *whispers* Am I missing the point?
Mother's Board?
So, what better way to wash those dirty minds?
One phrase they discussed was 'Dagenham Dave' - it's a Navy term meaning a nutcase, as he is apparently 'one stop short of Barking'.