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  • As we have to move along I´m going to say my goodbyes to BS. Before that I should really give my thanks to him. The work done by BS concerning reencarnation is second to none but he gave us much more, in a somewhat enigmatic style true but still val…
  • They could be twin souls anyway, only a part of them are of a romantic nature, others can be friends, foes, relatives, etc. Why would her fall in love with Clyde in such an overwhelming way? Twin flames are another matter, in many if not most cases …
  • Clyde Barrow was gay I´m told, so he being her romantic partner is out of the question.
  • Cynthia, I agree with you. However a failed relationship is a failed relationship, us, them, whoever, failed at obtaining and or mantaining a relationship that aparently is somewhat special and meaningful. A good intention is comendable but to put i…
  • Cynthia, many escape and renounce the soul contract they had made before they incarnated, the twin flame relationship is too much for them. I understand that but it is a renounciation, they give up, fail, it´s easier. Twin flames have work together …
  • Blissful love is the aim of a twin flame relationship, the truth is that many times it can be hell. Similar personalities, twin flames are mirrors of each other, and the intensity of feelings make it a big ordeal to pass through. Many flee, mainly t…
  • The common view about Freud is:"the son wants to have sex with the mother and kill the father"...This view might be a wrong one but his widespread. Freud´s emphasis on sexuality as the basis of human behaviour is generally descrideted. Not much is s…
    in Freud Comment by paulojose January 2020
  • So he is a close friend I gather, perhaps a soul mate. That is not a twin flame. Your twin flame is a woman of course, that is if you have one, I´m told that they are rare. You having one she will be your divine counterpart, your mirror. The encount…
  • "He"? He is a man and you are too, so you are gay? I´m asking because that´s what it seems.
  • Leftius, many people claim to contact Archangel Michael constantly, I don´t think that they are all lying...I supose that when we are here or on the other side we are male or female, depending of the sex we had the last time we incarnated. What both…
  • Leftius, easier said than done. I don´t really know who is reaching to me , aparently it´s Archangel Michael but I´m not sure. My main spirit guide was human at the same time as me in past lifes. He has the vibration of "tough love". I´ve felt the t…
  • Starting this month there is a big reunion of twin flames, it will go through 2020. Much love, much bliss but also a lot of conflict and pain, that´s how twin flame relationships are. They are superior but they can hurt as hell, after all they are l…
  • Twin flames are crossing right now an energy storm of a sexual and love energies. Big things are comming, according to those who believe those things that is.As far as I can see all that energy is not useful for the time being.According to some all …
  • An amazing thing about earth angels is that they have back pain because they have to lodge there their wings!...What !? That in the past people believed that angels had wings was understandable, they move swiftly and in this world only birds do that…
  • You are correct CB.
  • BS, I don´t see the conection between the gay world and the earth angels, I don´t know any who is gay. They reject homosexuality as a breakage of the spiritual laws. The so called angels od Sodom most likely were not angels at all, perhaps aliens bu…
  • Earth angels are far from perfect, they are affected greatly by just merely existing here, they are prone to adictions and many other problems. They are all good people with good intentions, no dark souls there. The black brotherhood senses them and…
  • in Sodom and Gomorrah there was Satan and his officers, they corrupted the aliens who were suposed to do  reconstruction work. Of course that they supported all what was considered wrong including homosexuality. That was why those cities were oblite…
  • The visitors of Sodom were angels, known as such, and the Sodomits wanted to have sex with them aparently. The earth angels have a charismatic presence that for some can be interpreted as sexual atraction too, they are generally considered to be atr…
  • Is that a joke? Plain as day hey? What day, where, in what planet? I do understand english, ambiguous is ambiguous.
  • No, Cynthia, I meant the people that are designated as earth angels. They have certain characteristics and have a mission. I would like to know your views on the matter that is if you have one. And no it´s not just a label or a bedtime story, they e…
  • CB, what false acusation you launched upon me! I did not ignore BS´s comments, I tried to see what BS meant, I commented them. As usual BS does not respond or puts something completely ambiguous and obscure and I never know what the hell he means. W…
  • Ok, we now have a view, at least a partial one, about what CB and Oskr think about our"double aquatic bird" guru, not much it seems... Leftius I don´t know but it seems he is open to examine openly Teal Swan and see if she has any validity. As BS is…
  • You are closed down spiritually Oskr, no breakthrough until you unclog your spiritual pipes...
  • Western civilization is the last stand of civilization in fact. The other fact that it is in a last state of decadence is just a sign that it is ready for change and evolution. The elite has to burn it first to break resistance and impose the antich…
    in Arguments Comment by paulojose May 2019
  • I think she was who she says she was, being so a credibility avenue is created for the rest of what she says. It resonates as truthfull hearing what she comunicates. Someone is telling the truth, who? The double aquatic bird? Perhaps, who knows?
  • Leftius, you are wise and smart in what you´ve just said...
  • And why not?
  • Don´t be so hasty in judging others namely Teal Swan, you could be mistaken you know.
  • Having two aquatic birds in the name is uncommon, if that is her real name to begin with. The meaning of that? None I supose.You don´t fancy her CB? For some reason her claim of being the indian guru resonates as being true, at least to me.The final…