. . Henry Kissinger also manipulated the New Age craze. Henry said people who would believe that guides and masters were leading them should be guided by masters, and he considered himself one. Henry said I could trust anyone who wore a crystal as part of my 'family of man'.
When you hear someone talk about their success with the Law of Attraction (LoA) or The Secret, you've likely witnessed a passionate, excited person describe what seems like impossible magic.
Dutch psychologist links homosexuality to conspiracy theories.He claimed many scientific institutions have been taken over by “active militant gays” who produce information to further the gay cause. He also said it was not true that homosexuals are born gay.
The Ministry of Love (or Miniluv in Newspeak) serves as Oceania's interior ministry. It enforces loyalty to Big Brother through fear, buttressed through a massive apparatus of security and repression, as well as systematic brainwashing.
Fortune, my foe, why dost thou frown on me? And will thy favours never lighter be? Wilt thou, I say, forever breed my pain? And wilt thou not restore my joys again?
In vain I sigh, in vain I wail and weep, In vain my eyes refrain from quiet sleep; In vain I she'd my tears both night and day; In vain my love my sorrows do bewray.
Then will I leave my love in Fortune's hands, My dearest love, in most unconstant bands, And only serve the sorrows due to me: Sorrow, hereafter, thou shalt my Mistress be.
Ah, silly Soul art thou so sore afraid? Mourn not, my dear, nor be not so dismayed. Fortune cannot, with all her power and skill, Enforce my heart to think thee any ill.
Live thou in bliss, and banish death to Hell; All careful thoughts see thou from thee expel: As thou dost wish, thy love agrees to be. For proof thereof, behold, I come to thee.
Die not in fear, not live in discontent; Be thou not slain where blood was never meant; Revive again: to faint thou hast no need. The less afraid, the better thou shalt speed.
There is no escaping karma and there is no escaping fortune and who fortune may bring unto one's path.
Fortune, my foe
And will thy favours never lighter be?
Wilt thou, I say, forever breed my pain?
And wilt thou not restore my joys again?
In vain I sigh, in vain I wail and weep,
In vain my eyes refrain from quiet sleep;
In vain I she'd my tears both night and day;
In vain my love my sorrows do bewray.
Then will I leave my love in Fortune's hands,
My dearest love, in most unconstant bands,
And only serve the sorrows due to me:
Sorrow, hereafter, thou shalt my Mistress be.
Ah, silly Soul art thou so sore afraid?
Mourn not, my dear, nor be not so dismayed.
Fortune cannot, with all her power and skill,
Enforce my heart to think thee any ill.
Live thou in bliss, and banish death to Hell;
All careful thoughts see thou from thee expel:
As thou dost wish, thy love agrees to be.
For proof thereof, behold, I come to thee.
Die not in fear, not live in discontent;
Be thou not slain where blood was never meant;
Revive again: to faint thou hast no need.
The less afraid, the better thou shalt speed.
-John Dowland
"The road to Hell is paved by good intentions"
We could never access the records unless we drop the G.