Oskr, see BS´s page on Madonna and you will find there the explanation. Aparently she was german at the time of the nazis bur not Eva Braun. Why BS says she was connected with the nazis and satanism I don´t know. For some reason when I think of her the expression "Whore of Babylon" comes to mind, don´t know why, also feel a faint connection with the Statue of Liberty. Perhaps all this doesn´t make any sense.
The superconsciousness produces ORIGINAL data (found nowhere on the internet or in the Collective Unconscious) and this data is processed to produce possible matches. As new data is derived the match may shift a little to accommodate this.
I trust completely my intuition, I distrust completely my thoughts, as I can´t distinguish between the two any valuable contribution the intuition could give me goes out the window...No enlightenement for me...Also I find quite distressing to detach completely from the ideology that common citizens have, I live among people...Of course this also means that you can´t speak openly about what you believe because the conversation ends there immediately, it´s too bizarre and unaceptable for the members of the herd, a partial isolation is an inevitable consequence. The conclusion that the inner value of our actions or lack of them is none is also painful. Suposedly invisible beings acompany us and assist us, we have a mission also suposedly but if that is true why didn´t i ever received a christmas card from any of them?...
Intuition leads us astray because it's not very good at picking up flaws in the evidence. It will be faulty when the world conspires against us and presents information that is unrepresentative and misleading.
The reticulum is colloquially referred to as the honeycomb. It is also known as the bonnet and as the kings-hood When cleaned and used for food, it is called "tripe".
"all the roads lead to rome" all routs lead rome & nazi salue rome ny in google = if i unlocked the gordian node of germanicus vs troubadours, please let me know - i wanna enjoy this weekend by "a thing well-done"... 2nd thought - nyeaah...
in google
all routs lead rome
nazi salue rome ny
in google
= if i unlocked the gordian node of germanicus vs troubadours, please let me know - i wanna enjoy this weekend by "a thing well-done"... 2nd thought - nyeaah...