With our limited minds we have to work until they become a bit less limited. Enoch is around, the one who is going to confront the antichrist, Elias too.
The Jedi are fictional characters Peter, stories for children. Something similar did happen? It´s happening all the time but the story itself is an invention, there is no "Force" as such.
paulojoseSeems the Jedi and the Star Wars stories were not based entirely on fiction. The ideas still come form the subconscious which is most likely the akashic records.
Peter, the subconscious and the akashic records are two different things. Yes, the star wars story is duplicated a lot all the time but can´t be taken in a literal sense, it´s fiction, there are no jedi, darth vader, the force and so on. If "only a jedi deals in absolutes" is perhaps because he is obstipated...Who knows?...
Lucas says, "I realized we had no myths, and what I needed to do was create a modern kind of myth." Lucas studied mythology, partly through the writings of Joseph Campbell. He also found fodder for "Star Wars" in a little-known 1958 Japanese film entitled "Hidden Fortress," which is a humorous story about a reformed general and two surly farmers escorting an undercover princess to claim her throne.
in google → crystalinks...
in google
...it's all i can RIGHT NOW = sorry