It is the Crystal Children who will herald in the next phase of humanity honoring the ways of the natural world, protective of the Earth and in gentler ways illuminating ways to shift the trajectory of humanity.
As we are witnessing the millennials (many of whom are early Crystals) re-shape corporate America, question established moral structures and step away completely from the materially driven ideal of success, we can see early inklings of just what their impact will be.
As the Tibetan use of the tulpa concept is described in the book Magical Use of Thoughtforms, the student was expected to come to the understanding that the tulpa was just a hallucination. While they were told that the tulpa was a genuine deity, "The pupil who accepted this was deemed a failure – and set off to spend the rest of his life in an uncomfortable hallucination."
Is'a was nobody-else's re-inc'. Jesus & Mary were both born through immaculate-conceptyion. Nazireans, a branch of esenoy=esenyans monitorised, at that time, the childhood of "the 2nd jesus" - a certain josua, from ancient rama linneage, who later moved in Britain (perhaps along with joseph of aromatherapy & mary magdalene)...
Alexandra david Neal once talked about a Tulpa to a tibetan scholar saying that certain person atacked by a Tulpa had in fact been a victim of it´s own imagination. The scholar replied that then if we didn´t believe in tigers they couldn´t atack us... Tulpas are materializations of energy, they are real.
Of all the varied aspects of African womanhood, none are more fascinating than the hundreds of representations of Black Madonnas. Indeed, the Black Madonnas of Europe are perhaps the most venerated icons in all of European Christendom. Their shrines have attracted millions of devotees. They are thought to be miracle workers, and their miracle-working powers are derived from their blackness.
You show great temerity in calling them fools. Of course their work had great holes; they were some of the first in their field!
Is'a was nobody-else's re-inc'.
Jesus & Mary were both born through immaculate-conceptyion.
Nazireans, a branch of esenoy=esenyans monitorised, at that time, the childhood of "the 2nd jesus" - a certain josua, from ancient rama linneage, who later moved in Britain (perhaps along with joseph of aromatherapy & mary magdalene)...