There's Something About Mary



  • So, um, star children and shit isn't starting to look too good. It's looking way worse by the minute.
  • edited February 2017
    Also. What kind of a creep falls in love with seven women at once, views them as one entity and decides to hunt them? Dehumanizing much?

    It may just be a story, but still. Or maybe this is just drunk-with-tiredness me talking.
  • A noise of horns and hunting, which shall bring

     Actaeon to Diana in the spring,

    Where all shall see her naked skin . . ."

  • These two lines refer to The Parliament of Bees – a story of Diana (a hunting Goddess) and Actaeon. This is another tragic story revolving about revenge. But this time, vengeance is resulted from anger. Actaeon presents himself at the cave’s entrance, where Diana is taking her bath. Diana dashes the water into Actaeon's face with a curse, "Now go and tell, if you can, that you have seen Diana unapparelled." Immediately, Actaeon turns into a stag. With the lost of his speech and appearance, his dogs and his friends do not recognize him – they hunt him down. It is not until the dogs torn his body apart that the anger in Diana is satisfied. 
  • Somehow resonates me that my cousin wants revenge for me having said some truths about him. Its just i dont want to see him following ebert my dead cousin.
  • edited February 2017
    See who following Ebert?

    Also, why the hell should Ebert care? He's, uh... dead.

    Whatever the hell you say about him shouldn't affect him anymore.
  • my cousing following ebert's (my other cousin) steps 
  • Brian is right paranoia is the result of being alone in the woods
  • @OskrZS
    I'm sorry you're so lonely right now. :(
  • Can't see the woods for all the trees?


  • Mademoisele LUNA, oui... c'est toujours le sex...
    = sex/sexuality is kundalini is also the energy of imaginatyion...
    i remember i presented Mantak Chia's tao techniques of sublimatyion of sexual energy, in HERE somewhere...


    bibliotecapleyades is a web-site ... hoo-hooh... very-much info ...
    also, BRIAN once sent me a mail in which was Delores Barrio's photo & the greek letter epsilon ... i still don't know what HE meant 
    - therefore, BRIAN, whether YOU be so kind to explain... please


  • @ferz
    Sex is a pretty small part of life.
    A small one. There's so much more at play in everyday life. Why focus solely on sex?
  • Mademoisele LUNA, let's rmns a lil'...
    the chinese stem of jade is the hindu lingam is other tantric metaphors for ... penis, while the ... other tantric metaphors along millenia are for... feminine genitals.kamasutra is a piece of art, also arabian writings "in domain"... let's not forget that
  • in es'ence the orto-existentyal-omni-universe is based on spirit, who penetrators the matrix = this is the reason why number 10 is the most close-to ... The Number - 1 is for the erect spirit penetrating the 0 = matrice, matrix...
  • all taoism and tantrism is elevated sexuality... &, eventually whatever Force created men & women, males & females ... maybe knew why... YOU may call it part of the mental duality, light&dark, exterior&interior... action&pause,
  • ...dick&pus'y... it is just what it is.
    &, sex became such an obses'ive stuff because, as taoism reveal - man ejaculation is not part of it, & techniques meant to sublimate sexual energy replace lost of energy outside the physical body in gaining inner spiritual energy ... &, this is why
  • ...that chinese guy who was born 'round 1600 lived for 300 years & died in 1933... YOU can find details in google.
  • Li ching-yuen... oh, yin&yang is also a metaphor of... YOU know... sex is life itself, kundala&kundalini - but wrongly understood it became a ... its image degenerated.
  • Sex being a primal urge makes it the central focus of mind control.

  • To break out of their own mind control grid people with too much time on their hands have become obsessed with pizza.

  • edited March 2019
    Avatar - a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher.

  • Usually involves some kind of sexual projection.

  • Mademoisele LUNA, as YOU & BREEMABORG got us used to, pointed a flash... stormtroopers, no - i'd say "supersoldiers" more-like-it...
    james rink, james casbolt, alara blackwell, max spiers... &, phil schneider...
    - why? = think-about-it...
  • Quite befittingly, yesterday was Valentine's day, at least on this part of the globe.

    Freud would be quite happy to read that someone agrees with him that sex is the basis for many of our choices. He thought it was all there was.

    In reality, even if this is so to some extent (only Siths deal in absolutes), it does not preclude the fact that it is hella annoying.
  • Avatars are connected with a projection of sexuality? That´s a new one for me. To pin down people in this plane all that is earthly is strenghtened by Satan and his minions. That is the case of sexuality, never like today was sexuality so exacerbated. While we remain prisioners of our earthly urges we also remain prisioners of this world, that is the satanic plan. To be free we have to let go, one day I have to do that...
  • @paulojose
    Sexuality isn't bad. If I had a penny for every time people claimed it was.... are people ashamed of it? It's quite a natural thing in fact. It's quite an annoying thing, yes.

    I'll also admit it's too blatant in popular culture. Went to the doctor because of an ear infection a couple of months ago and there was a television show called The Social playing in the waiting room.
    The magazines all looked quite boring so I sat there and watched.
    There was a discussion about butts. No, not about anything else but about "butts" in popular culture and how butts were making a come-back.
    I was very confused and laughed. Of course butts are attractive. They were attractive 400 years ago and a thousand years ago because a woman with wide hips will have better child-bearing capacities. Duh! Are we stupid? And now here I was, at the doctor's with a bunch of women on television describing the deep intricacies of a butt.

    Also, shouldn't we be focusing on more important ideas like philosophy and... deeper things? Butts are fat. We care about a bunch of fat on a behind. What. The. Hell.
  • Mademoisele LUNA, i think YOU got it exactly in the worst way I was afraid...if YOU reduce it to that motherfucker - literally - freud, it means my english socks...i was talking about millenia of spirituality, while that jewish freemason fake-ass freud took it & killed it by sinking it in shit... &, yeah, i piss on freud & on jung.
  • edited February 2017
    "i remember i presented Mantak Chia's tao techniques of sublimatyion of sexual energy, in HERE somewhere..."

    Sex as a form of spirituality.

    How about... nooo.


    That's a bunch of NO.
    Bad idea. Baaaad idea.
    Can I stress this enough?
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