Dogs and cats day

edited March 2019 in Mystery
I woke up with the new that my dog has a digestive problem...

then while meditating i saw him with lot of blood and s$%·$t

then discovered it had some blood while evacuating..

took him to the vet, there he said he had an infection, applied some medicine

on my way home with my dog a BLACK cat jumped up from a store attacked my dog and the owner didnt want to stop it because of fear of her own cat...

my dog losed very much blood, i took him back to the vet...

then the cats owner didnt want to assume responsability for the attack.

i hope this bad day has ended... i dont know why it happened... i wonder given that i saw what was to happen if i could have stoped the thing.



  • Is there something i can do? :O :'(
  • Remember it is I who am sending you out, as sheep into the midst of wolves; prove yourselves as sagacious as serpents, and as innocent as doves...
  • Metaphysics/mysticism (Reiki, meditation) is tricky business.

    That's why I sure as Hell wouldn't go full into metaphysical or mystical studies without at least living in the same city as whoever happens to be my instructor. Maybe I'd even make sure I knew a class of other students and seek out help... but in person!!

    Meditation masters as hella expensive, though.
  • edited December 2016
  • Ok teacher... Any further advice on how to repeal this? :'( i wont lose my dog
  • Sure as hell hope my instructor wouldn't act like how Horowitz treated Michelangeli, lol.

    2 AM
    Michelangeli answers phone: "Yes hello, who is this?"

    Horowitz: "Arturo, my boy! How would you like a lesson?"

    Michelangeli:"I'm sorry, what? Mr. Horowitz, what time is it???"

    Horowitz: "2 in the morning, lad! See you in half an hour!"

    2:30 AM
    Horowitz: "Now, let's hear Chopin's waltz in Eb major, you know, Op. 34 no.2, movement one."

    *Michelangeli plays but makes lots of mistakes because it's 2:30 AM and he's still mentally asleep*

    Horowitz:"yes, my boy, not that good. Let's see... how about this passage?" *plays passage perfectly*

    Horowitz: "Bye!"


    4 AM
    *phone rings*
  • LUNA, did the phone ring as in ...  Chopin's waltz in Eb major, you know, Op. 34 no.2, movement one ?
    BRIAN, why would anybody look at a black cat like that ? = cats are funny, no matter colour ...
  • LUNA, i kept on forgeting to ask YOU = YOU live in Canada, do YOU speak french ?

    OSKRZS, i think i found the commander of that black-cat - swat-cat ? - which attacked YOUR dog ...

  • LUNA, si vous parles fancaise , je te dis un joli blague :
    un cow-boy entre dans un saloon : bam ! - "qui m'a attaque mon chien ?!?" - ils tous ne boge pas du tout...
    et, c'est ci noir homme qui chante au piano ... comme dans tous les saloons... 
    le cow-boy marche au l'homme de piano, il s'arrete a son face et lui demande : "est-ce que tu sais qui a attaque mon chien ?" 
    unquiete, le piano homme lui repond : "non, monsieur, mais je peux essayer..." 
    ... et, l'homme commence a chanter au piano et "a cor at a cri" : " qui est attaque mon chien !..."
    et, la melodie etait  le waltz de Chopin en Eb major, Op. 34 no.2, premiere mouvement...
    = oui, j'ai recale ca ici... bad joke, hah ?

  • bouge instead "boge" & ce instead "ci"... oops, my bad.. i learned french with the chemistry teacher...
  • Mais vous parlez français, bien sûre, même si votre enseignant était ton professeur de chimie!
    Vous me surprends, @ferz!

    Merci, c'est une drôle petite blague, qui m'a faite rire!
  • LUNA ...
    mais, oh-la-la... je vous surprend ? oh, mais quel sorte de roumain croyait-vous que je suis ?
    = anyway... "ich bin malade" - c'est une balgue qui m'a toujours fait rire... Louis de Funes a ete le maitre de la "joie de vivre" ... quand les allemagnes entraient dans la filarmonique et lui etait le dirijeur de l'orchstre... et ils le disent : "allez, sortez" - et il repond :"oh, laisez-moi - ich bin malade!" ...
    ...&, i used online dictionary - i didn't use french for years, & forgot a lot of ... les mots ...
    et je suis heureus (?) pour te faire rire... 
    (i wonder what the TEAM thinks while looking at this & saing : "what the hack does he think he's doing ? hey, ferz, foutez-le-camp..."
  • President-elect Donald J. Trump takes office in less than two months, and ISIS is using his inauguration on January 20th to declare war, calling it “Bloody Friday.”

    Read more:

    Star Trek - Assignment Earth
    Featured Feline: Isis is the beautiful and mysterious black cat which Agent Gary Seven carries around with him.
  • edited December 2016

    Russia's airstrike on a Syrian hospital was no accident. It was a cold-blooded, targeted attack

  • There was another Bloody Friday before in the past.

    This is all shaping out to be so terrible!
  • LUNA, please don't make me sad ... can't confuse black-cat / chert with Bastet

    Bastet has a totally different history 

  • je vous pris, mademoiselle LUNA, que vous payez atention ... mythologie et mystique c'est une chambre pleine du mirroirs 
  • in jibberish, when you step-on the mystikal terrain, any un-payed-atention lil'tricky detail is a ... schlang 
  • Bastet: "Along with the other lioness goddesses, she would occasionally be depicted as the embodiment of the Eye of Ra."
  • The most dangerous aspect of the Eye of Ra (the feminine counterpart and consort of Ra) is usually represented by a lioness (or feline female) or a cobra.

    Other feline goddesses that sometime sit in as the Eye of Ra are: Sekhmet, Menhit, and Tefnut.
  • Mademoisele LUNA, les aspects sont les confusions qui font dificile l'investigation... les dieuses de l'ancient egipte sont des entitees diferentes...
  • ok... english is my better version... it' s like a several-faces-mirrory. 'ey 're feminine godes'es, but different ... persons. it's like a fractal, different forms of da same ... concept - i only learned these past days somethin' about this kind of trickery... i'll be more specific tomorrow, ok ?
  • edited December 2016
    Mais, non, mon cher ami!

    Par exemple, le dieu Set est l'équivalent au diable. Plusieurs dieux et déesses ont des équivalents dans des autres cultures: c'est comme si le même esprit s'est trouvé dans differents coins du monde et en differents temps.
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