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  • There's is no guarantee that any cult-removal technique will work. Some sources say that at least one-third of deprogrammings fail, and there are no definitive statistics on the success rate of exit counseling. But when it does work, the cult member finds himself back in the outside world -- with a whole new set of problems. People who leave a totalist cult can suffer from a laundry list of psychological problems. Some common ones include depression, anxiety, paranoia, guilt, rage and constant fear. They may have difficulty thinking clearly, making decisions, analyzing situations and performing everyday activities like picking out something to wear or going to the store to buy groceries full of Fluoride ...
  • "There's is no guarantee that any cult-removal technique will work. Some sources say that at least one-third of deprogrammings fail, and there are no definitive statistics on the success rate of exit counseling. But when it does work, the cult member finds himself back in the outside world -- with a whole new set of problems. People who leave a totalist cult can suffer from a laundry list of psychological problems. Some common ones include depression, anxiety, paranoia, guilt, rage and constant fear. They may have difficulty thinking clearly, making decisions, analyzing situations and performing everyday activities like picking out something to wear or going to the store to buy groceries."

    Hey teacher theres no "full of fluoride" in the original text.. wondering why..
  • Some might call it a “Witches’ Foot” or “Nero’s Cross” and attribute all kinds of occult significance to it, making the mere display of it a sign of allegiance to satanic powers, black witchcraft and human sacrifice ...
  • The human mind is a sad thing... but yet capable of good things also. 
  • edited March 2019
    MInd is a prison. Why aren't there any REAL Zen Masters?

  • jajaja teacher... you always have your sword unsheathed, thank you.

  • margaret thacher ?

    "Rose Kennedy (who they claim was left retarded after a lobotomy that her father authorized, and was subsequently shipped off to London because they didn’t want the public to know the truth about what happened to her.  BULLSH*T  in part  true, but they didn’t want the public to know what happened to her because she became who you know as MARGARET THATCHER.)
     And if you don’t realize the significance of this little plant, you need to do your homework. As WWII you see the use of these operatives to manipulate the peoples perception into thinking they actually had a leader that was representing their interests, but in fact just the opposite has been and still is the case. How many promises did Candidate Obama make, but not to justpick on him we can say ANY candidate make before they are elected only tofind out later that they do what they are told by their corporate sponsors.If you want to know how that is all done, please look at my research into the pseudonym use and the candidate oath forms they fill out announcing themselves as running.
     Additional side note.
    You know that her Brother and Nephew  HW, and GW were not going to miss Thatcher’s funeral.  So in order to attend without raising suspicions as to why those two were there when Obama said no U.S. Reps would be attending, they went in disguise. "

  • Please look at my research? What kind of mentality is that?


  • edited March 2019
    When a bee collects nectar and pollen from the flower of a plant, some pollen from the stamens—the male reproductive organ of the flower—sticks to the hairs of her body. When she visits the next flower, some of this pollen is rubbed off onto the stigma, or tip of the pistil—the female reproductive organ of the flower. When this happens, fertilization is possible, and a fruit, carrying seeds, can develop.

  • Butterflies are very active during the day and visit a variety of wildflowers. Butterflies are less efficient than bees at moving pollen between plants.

  • yet on the oter hand, seen this without implying a joke, is true.. im shit at everything. :(

    is not just incinvible ignorance but also invincible mediocrity.
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