"You may only hear this word once, Skoptsy. The Skoptsy was an ultra secret cult of theDisciples of Cybele that was believed to only have existed in Russia. After being widely persecuted around 1910 in Russia, they went far underground. They hold that the surest way of attaining ecstasy and gift of PROPHECY is to set the spirit free from the body’s desires. In order to unite himself with God, he must become similar to the angels - and they are sexless. It is symbolical appellation of white DOVES. So, they castrated themselves. (The Religion, Anatole L. Beaulieu, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY, pg. 422, 1896) In India, many of the goddess’ castrated disciples are called, transsexuals. We will talk about the “sexless” disciple, Prince Rogers Nelson, further below."
The castration rites among their followers provide a link to the cult of theSkoptsy- which, according toDelta Green, were also Shub-Niggurath worshipers."
Sorry but male equipment is by no means superior. I am happy to wake up in the morning without my genitals making a surprise appearance.
The desire for power is something different, everyone always assumes the image of a penis is correlated with power (electric power to run that iron!) but in terms of biology and whose genes get passed down, who's in control, gents?
Let me remind you, dunnocks possess socially monogamous behaviour: these females technically only "have one mate" but they openly mate with a number of males in order to have access to more worms and more males to help care for the young.
That's right. We ladies decide to have kids. And we ladies can cuckhold men openly, we ladies decide whose genes get passed down. So who's really in control, in terms of biology??
I never did pay much attention in biology class.
The desire for power is something different, everyone always assumes the image of a penis is correlated with power (electric power to run that iron!) but in terms of biology and whose genes get passed down, who's in control, gents?
That's right. We ladies decide to have kids. And we ladies can cuckhold men openly, we ladies decide whose genes get passed down. So who's really in control, in terms of biology??