"Karen WoodA dispassionate examination of the Koran illustrates why this is. There are over 120 chapters (suras) in the Moslem holy book calling on believers to fight Jews and Christians, subjugate them, murder them, break treaties that are made with them, cut off their heads, tongues, hands, feet, crucify them.
Fourteen hundred years of history clearly bears out how Muslims have understood and implemented these commands from the Koran. The Muslim Faith did not spread from the Pyrenees to the Philippines within 100 years of Mohammed’s death, by peaceful proselytizing.
The West rarely takes one of Mohammad’s most basic teachings seriously. Yet it is a defining principle of Islam. Mohammad divided the world into only two spheres: ‘Dar al Islam’ or the region of peace and ‘Dar al Harb’ or the region of war. The ‘region of peace’ means that all its inhabitants are in ‘submission’ to Allah. The ‘region of war’ means that Muslims are to view it as a place of perpetually war until all are in submission to Allah and his laws.
The Catholics were not much better, really, During the reconquista, social status went as follows: Christian man, Christian woman, Jew, Muslim. Muslims weren't even alllowed in bathhouses and, according to many laws declared by Alfonso VIII were even slaves. There was violence against them as well in the time of the musical Alfonso X: Jews were subjugated terribly, becoming a Jew meant becoming a heretic and coverting from Christianity to Judaism pretty much meant death, eventually. Converting to the Muslim religion meant IMMEDIATE death.
Please let's remember how Christianity also killed and pillaged, inquisitions that occured from the 12th century onwards to control people. I'm sorry, but say what you will about Muslims, Christians are not much better. Neither is any religion. All a bunch of sh!t used to control people and keep some in power. Or rather it's used by them. *So* successfully. History is like a wheel!
Oh! Charlemagne forced the Saxons into Christianity as well, through taking over their lands. And they either converted or were branded heretics and killed. So cute!
What about that cute little man? Such a "little" man too, Hernan Cortez! How many people did he kill in the name of God? Was it about God? Or what about when the Jesuits met Atahualpa and asked him to kiss the bible, to which he spat because the Inca didn't even write that way but through thread. Plus, they spoke no Spanish. Didn't Atahualpa get burned for that?
Best Answer: Short answer: Yes. Long Answer: I suppose so because he did wish to defend Christianity from the Turkish army...but his actions kinda make you wonder.
So many things are done in the name of religion. Usually it's a bullshit cover up for the person doing the action, for themselves at times, even. "I killed all those people for my own personal gain" sounds terrible."I did it for God and His great work!" sounds a bit better. Little old pat on the ego.
"A religious mindset is perfect for the average psychopath."
Religion Is Psycho=R.I.P. (not true, but people like excuses for their behaviours.
Everyone who's ever made my existence Hell (and I do mean like the seven layers of Hell from Dante's Inferno) always did it out of sheer conservatism or out of a "pious" mindset.
It's odd because THAT kind of religious mindset often stems from sheer insanity and a sense of absolute control. In other words; repressed control freaks who even repress themselves, often see evil lurking everywhere. Why? It's truly just a reflection of the darkness that covers their own minds. E.g.: there's nothing sexual about ankles... but hey! You have a foot fetish... which is messed up and wholly YOUR PROBLEM, and so now all ankles are dirty.
Obviously, not every religious person is like this, but extremists are. And it has NOTHING to do with religion: religion is always an excuse or a cover for the monster hidden within.
Ever wonder why people that are fundamental ANYTHING (Muslim, Mormon, Evangelical Christians) are always so... repressed? They see sex even in a woman's shirt! And not even a revealing shirt!
In Tibetan monasteries, the kapala was used to hold dough cakes or wine, used symbolically as flesh and blood offerings to wrathful deities of Hindu India and Buddhist Tibet. When symbolising blood it is called Asrk Kapala, and when with flesh it is called Mamsa Kapala. The dough cakes were not just pieces of bread, but were shaped to resemble human eyes, ears and tongues.
"Ever wonder why people that are fundamental ANYTHING (Muslim, Mormon, Evangelical Christians) are always so... repressed? They see sex even in a woman's shirt! And not even a revealing shirt!"
LUNA, please read carefully the next link, ok ?... - i hope it will answer...
Listen carefully to the sound of one hand clapping?
I think we are in rats' alley, Where the dead men lost their bones. “What is that noise?” The wind under the door. “What is that noise now? What is the wind ...
Freud called the "id" the unconscious mind. It is the child of the adult human (versus the "ego" and "superego"). Consider how close the words "id" and "it" are. Something that we think of as an inanimate object—or an animal—we call "it." Even idols—of the kind that the ancients revered—are deaf and dumb because they were statues (or sometimes cows). Here we have the Greek word for "dumb," pronounced "aphonos" (think "opposite of phonos"—"phonos" is "sound," and is related to "phonetic," "phone," and "Phoenician," which is from where the Greeks got their alphabet). This word includes the definition "of idols." Statues don't talk a lot.
Sonata (/səˈnɑːtə/; Italian: [soˈnaːta], pl. sonate; from Latin and Italian: sonare, "to sound"), in music, literally means a piece played as opposed to a cantata (Latin and Italian cantare, "to sing"), a piece sung.
Muslims weren't even alllowed in bathhouses and, according to many laws declared by Alfonso VIII were even slaves. There was violence against them as well in the time of the musical Alfonso X: Jews were subjugated terribly, becoming a Jew meant becoming a heretic and coverting from Christianity to Judaism pretty much meant death, eventually. Converting to the Muslim religion
meant IMMEDIATE death.
Please let's remember how Christianity also killed and pillaged, inquisitions that occured from the 12th century onwards to control people. I'm sorry, but say what you will about Muslims, Christians are not much better. Neither is any religion. All a bunch of sh!t used to control people and keep some in power. Or rather it's used by them. *So* successfully.
History is like a wheel!
What about that cute little man? Such a "little" man too, Hernan Cortez! How many people did he kill in the name of God? Was it about God? Or what about when the Jesuits met Atahualpa and asked him to kiss the bible, to which he spat because the Inca didn't even write that way but through thread. Plus, they spoke no Spanish. Didn't Atahualpa get burned for that?
Was Vlad the Impaler (dracula) a christian?
Best Answer:
Short answer: Yes.
Long Answer: I suppose so because he did wish to defend Christianity from the Turkish army...but his actions kinda make you wonder.
"I killed all those people for my own personal gain" sounds terrible."I did it for God and His great work!" sounds a bit better. Little old pat on the ego.
Religion Is Psycho=R.I.P. (not true, but people like excuses for their behaviours.
Everyone who's ever made my existence Hell (and I do mean like the seven layers of Hell from Dante's Inferno) always did it out of sheer conservatism or out of a "pious" mindset.
It's odd because THAT kind of religious mindset often stems from sheer insanity and a sense of absolute control. In other words; repressed control freaks who even repress themselves, often see evil lurking everywhere. Why? It's truly just a reflection of the darkness that covers their own minds. E.g.: there's nothing sexual about ankles... but hey! You have a foot fetish... which is messed up and wholly YOUR PROBLEM, and so now all ankles are dirty.
Obviously, not every religious person is like this, but extremists are. And it has NOTHING to do with religion: religion is always an excuse or a cover for the monster hidden within.
Ever wonder why people that are fundamental ANYTHING (Muslim, Mormon, Evangelical Christians) are always so... repressed? They see sex even in a woman's shirt! And not even a revealing shirt!
MISTER HUGGINS! Behave yourself!