LUNA, i didn't think BRIAN was refering at me when posted "if i spoke "idiot" i 'd tell you "off"...", but... do YOU know anything i don' t?
... &, why do YOU tell me to play nice ? = what did i do ? = i don't remember to be callin'-names arround HERE...
... &, whether BRIAN wants me "off" - which in my language is "afara" & in german "raus" - all HE has to do is ... throw me away = i mean, this is HIS forum...
but, since i remember how content HE 's been when i entered HERE ... i don' t know - i gues' things change.
... anyway, i only tried to "follow-the-idea-of-the-post" = i replyed with vlad impaler infos & confusions about islam... &, i didn't say : "believe what i show YOU HERE" , i've just showed YOU "look what these guys think" - make YOUR own opinion... whatever.
And then again...
Just wanted to make sure you both didn't start insulting each other.... it's none of my business, but... you know!!
Sorry. I'm an idiot!? :p