1934, the time aloted, is right smack in the time core of our friends the nazis. I´m sure it is no coincidence. That is if all this is to be taken seriously. But if it is he can´t change the past anyway, so what is he doing there, shopping?...
Leftius, I believe BS once said that he had spoken with Hitler before he died in his past life, 1932 or something like that. As BS never clarifies what he means we will never know. If he speaks with ferz, Seyss Inquart, then, that would be interesting, the intent would be to influence somehow ferz now? It´s a puzzle.
ferz, the Hitler that we have been sold all these years by the media, tv, cinema and all the rest, does not exist, it´s a farse, a falsification. The real Hitler is much more interesting, one of the "warm up" antichrists, his real story is amazing. it has been covered up since the beginning. As allways the elite treats the public as morons and serves the same lies one thousand times until they become "truths". Denying those "truths" is to pass by being a lunatic because"everybody knows this to be a fact! You are weird for denying it!". We are constantly fed a diet of lies. Hitler is not that interesting to me but the conventional story told about him is false.
What would BS want to say to Seyss-Inquart? That´s Leftius bet, I have no bet. Perhaps if CB wants to ask BS he will say something about his trip in time, or perhaps not, anyway we are just being curious.
I'm sure Hitler was warned about his actions. Dreams and visions perhaps. He should have committed suicide in one point in his life. Stalin should have committed suicide, too. Belief in karma makes atrocious acts impossible. There are repercussions for each crime we do. Who cares? The universe and Akasha work like that.
Btw, do you guys believe that we choose our parents and all that. Was it Hitler's destiny to become the Führer?
Yes. Hitler knew about his faith quite young, his mentor Dietrich Eckardt knew who Hitler was and worked with him until he died. The black entities around Hitler knew who he was and protected him all the way. He knew very well about karma and about some of his previous incarnations, wrongly according to BS. But for Hitler power was more important than anything else and having him in power meant war. He was not the lunatic of present days image, he knew at some point that the war was lost and got away, he didn´t commit suicide in Berlin, the allies knew this very well. The "truth" about second world war told to us are lies to hide the truth, common people are not worthy to receive the truth and if they did receive it they might start thinking by themselves, now we don´t want that to happen do we?...
Time travel doesn´t take time. BS can return in the same second when he left, that´s the theory. So he´s already here again. BS, did you bring us anything, a souvenir, a Mein Kampf with the fuhrer´s dedication, anything? Nothing?! Not even for the girls?! You really don´t like us...
I mean ferz. Whoops!
typical was looking for a good chat....so much easier though to find you guy's on face book. brian's in England maybe....?
i hope it works...LEFTIUS, YOU 're a riet...
- speakin' with hitler...what to say to him?