Too Clever By Half



  • There is NOTHING more important than the truth.

    The problem is that the absolute truth is always so difficult to pin down without access to the Akashic Records and objectivity.
  • @Brian

    It's more than equality per se. It's just sympathy, empathy and treating others with decency.

    In this planet, everyone is disappointing. To different levels, of course, but EVERYONE will lead to you to disappointment sooner or later.
    I have NEVER IN MY LIFE seen an exception.

    More fortunate people who have had the fortune of not undergoing severe abuse will tend to lead to less disappointment, it seems.

    Others who have been abused in and out will tend to act more irrationally and thus lead to greater disappointment.

    The entire thing is sad, disappointing and a severe blow to what many would describe as "the heart". Whatever on Earth the notion of sentiment and emotion is.
  • Of course people aren't equal.

    We have karma and our karma leads to our life circumstances.
    Where we're born, what prejuidices we're exposed to, etc.
  • It sucks.
    It all sucks balls.
    Eyes? Anyone?
  • "The thing about Eugenics and the horrors that ensued from said movement is that, as Peter has mentioned, they were indeed rooted in good intentions."

    Good intentions....allow only desirable people to breed....

    ...God complex? 

    There can be no good outcome with that.


  • "It's more than equality per se. It's just sympathy, empathy and treating others with decency."

    Best not to confuse sympathy with empathy?

    And as for treating others with decency....

    Subjective notion?

  • Empaths are dangerous predators.


  • ...&, just like pilates of pont... i ask: "what is the truth?" (
  • The big, big disapointment is with one´s self. Disapointment with others is a minor ordeal, it will pass.
  • There´s nothing subjective about decency, we know what it is, we just might not be willing to be decent with others sometimes, it doesn´t suits us then.
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