What Happened?

edited September 2017 in Hypnosis
It's not just psycho Hilary that can ask what happened.

What happened ... to humanity?

The guy in this video may have been a King or maybe even a Queen in a past life, I doubt it though.  Look at him now. So drunk he can barely walk or stand. The video has amusing commentary. I think he should have been taken to hospital.



  • Man vs Chair

  • Variously known as the sedia stercoraria – which translates as the 'dung chair'– or rather more understandably, as the 'pierced chair', this then was the object used to test the sex of newly installed popes...

  • i don't know where to post it, therefore i post it in this latest topic... ↓

  • do YOU notice anything else except the symetry of that crappy ufo ?...
    = the buildings have a strange architecture... &, the actors tell 'eyr "oh,my..." replikas...
  • How do you tell a genuine psychic from a fake one? Easy. They are ALL fake. Same with UFOs. With deprogramming, these subjects wouldn't even come up.


  • Dear BS, all psychics and UFO´s are fake?! All of them?! How can that be? if true there is no life outside this planet and all esoterical lore is untrue including your specialty Reiki and past lifes...All means all in english...Absolute afirmations are great, they have a great impact but us simpletons tend to take the words by their meaning and what you have just said is that the bulk of this forum is false. I am not going to ask you anything because I can´t but an explanation would be nice. No? OK then.
  • Interesting to see how Brianstalin reacts. He is so evasive.
  • The Phoenix Lodge holds that James Randi, NOT Sylvia Browne is the TRUE psychic. Psychic power, though, is something that can never be proven through rigid scientific observation, nor by encouraging the childish parlor tricks involved in channeling and the bending of spoons. Gnosis, Kabbalah, New Age thought and channeling are rejected and considered dangerous manifestations of ever-increasing mental degeneracy.

    So, what remains? Experience of advanced meditation states (Jhanas) and the exploration of realms beyond thought, utilizing Zen Buddhist practice, allow the mind to expand well beyond its normal confines. When the mind is focused and calm, it can become as sharp and keen as a razor's edge! On returning to normal states of consciousness, the mind can better think in more critical and discerning ways. This allows for more rational forms of deductive reasoning that can be used to tackle the deeper mysteries of Time and Space, as well as for taking a fresh look at the more mundane every-day issues of modern existence.
  • Psychics who call themselves psychics are, in fact, displaying complete lack of the most basic psychic skill of all which is discernment.
  • This is because intuition is their God. Intuition is no substitute for skilled tuition.
  • hu·bris

    1. excessive pride or self-confidence.
      synonyms:arroganceconceithaughtinesshauteurprideself-importanceegotismpomposity, superciliousness, superiority...
  • UFO contactees and  their support base will inevitably turn out to be pedophiles or abusers - It's human nature.
    The imagery involved with the phenomenon is OBVIOUS!

  • Fig. [for an argument or a case] to have no support. You may think you're in the right, but you don't have a leg to stand on.

  • I Am + Into It  ( I am movement + Intuition) - Being 'into' something means that you're interested in it. Animal instinct?


  • It's not Rocket Science.
  • edited September 2017
    @Leftius: yep

    Question: you call yourself a psychic, don't you? I mean, this is a "psychic research" forum.
    Just playing devil's advocate here.
  • The science of deduction is pure psychic research without the bells and whistles.

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