@Brian *buries face in hands* Why are you like this sometimes? Why, oh why? Islamophobia? I get it, lots of attacks in the U.K., but this isn't helping. Really.
Being Muslim doesn't make you a terrorist. And if you want to damn Abrahamic religions, why just talk about Judaism and Islam? Why not put Christianity in the mix?
Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
"What made me laugh so hard? I may not have understood, but Jerry did. “I was nine all of my life,” he has said, explaining his screen persona. “Nine is innocent. Nine has a tremendous sense of humor, and nine sees everything.”
*buries face in hands*
Why are you like this sometimes? Why, oh why?
Islamophobia? I get it, lots of attacks in the U.K., but this isn't helping. Really.
Being Muslim doesn't make you a terrorist. And if you want to damn Abrahamic religions, why just talk about Judaism and Islam? Why not put Christianity in the mix?
"What made me laugh so hard? I may not have understood, but Jerry did. “I was nine all of my life,” he has said, explaining his screen persona. “Nine is innocent. Nine has a tremendous sense of humor, and nine sees everything.”