

  • What IS Your Mental Poop Trying to Tell You?

  • yeah, i (??) saw the youtube post on the new wave ...
    björk's video = cool stuff → matrioshka/fractal/holographyk vision...
  • interesting, & BRIAN sugested it to me (probably knowing i (??) know this), the reptilians came out of a black-hole located nearby the alfa-star of dragon-constelation (this is the reason why the 33 degree freemason albert einstein & comp used that star to argument' the fake aka "theory of relativity"), & lahers also appeared outta nowhere from a similar black-hole...
  • accordin' to a romanian medium,
    - gravitational waves are vectors of time
    - black-holes are the cause & satan is the effect
  • You mean reptilians came from David ickes blackhole? Jajajaja nice one!

    I dont believe reptilians exist unless good evidence is presented, @ferz
  • "reptilians" are poses'ed simtemy-s.
    Wio's filtering-technique reveals the "bioenergetyk' body" of the subject & the "reptard-shape" is the deamon/devil which invaded the being...
    &, david icke is a mantoid -prooved through filter-tech, the mo'fo's erased the topic of s6.zetaboards, but i still remember the moments when it happened ÷ it was live, back-then...
  • as YOU can see, i copyed the "translation formula" & i type it by hand (i'm... fingering it)
    HERE it is :
    web-site adres'
    - all continuously linked together
    → "ro" of it might be ok only from romanian, i don't know...
  • edited June 2017
    But i mean, there are no evidence of them? A vídeo or else but some clairvoyants word?

    Everybody líes - House
  • even dr house lies, the character itself was...&, eventually by the fact that... dr house does not exist.
  • evidence? = look arround, es'e...
  • no need those glas'es anymore, it's obvious... at least, for me is clearer day by day the wrong shit versus the good shit...
  • edited June 2017
    An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of sudden and striking realisation. Generally the term is used to describe scientific breakthrough, religious or philosophical discoveries, but it can apply in any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective. Epiphanies are studied by psychologists[1][2] and other scholars, particularly those attempting to study the process of innovation.[3][4][5]

  • Before learning to meditate my favorite moment of house were where he had his epiphanies.

    Kenshō[note 1] (見性) is a Japanese term from the Zen tradition. Ken means "seeing," shō means "nature, essence".[4][2]

    Kenshō is an initial insight or awakening, not full Buddhahood.[5] It is to be followed by further training to deepen this insight, and learn to express it in daily life.[6][7][8]

  • hugh laurie gathered a good team of actors & it seems a good team of doctors too, but if YOU observe the whole proces' it was a pretty cuantifykable package of simptoms & similar of combinations of diseases...
    - 'cause it's still a limited domain...
    &, epiphanyes - GOD, i remember i used to have those...
  • ... when i was dead drunk & suddenly ' bam! - "got it", it was beyond descriptions... the lie was melting like icecream in the summer sun, & TRUTH was emerging - enlightning the dark in my fucked-up brains...
    i could call them revelations as well...
  • ...&, most of them were the result of TEAM-brainstorms = in Wiolawa 's forums... getting inside ufo-s, through filtering-technique (great specialist was on), obtaining infos - like 44NATAN44 gave ' on chernobyl mutants mas'acre..
    - i can link some great memories HERE, if YOU want ~ i think i know where to get them from...
    - not to forget to mention the moments when i got my re-inc's from BRIAN...
  • ...oh, BRIAN - by the way → i forgot to tell YOU ' i eventually und'stood the "epsilon" YOU sent THEN on plejareans, while "twin madnes'"... it was the math sign for "sum"... but, i think i mentioned this before somewhere in HERE...
  • OSKRZS... in a way i try to be teasing YOU... somewhere in a deep corner of myself i envy YOU (all of YOU) for being "gifted" to deal with re-inc's & reiki & stuff... i sometimes wonder "what am i doing HERE?"/"how did i get in HERE?"...
  • edited March 2019

    Some level of sainthood in a recent past life

  • Perhaps hugh laurie was at some point also a true illuminaty.

  • Guess there are more serpents than ladders

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