Halo 4 Legendary difficulty



  • The i is grey and sexless, but always gay because of its constant need to probe dark portals in order to express the love of its own existence.

  • The soul is androgynous - Shirley MacLaine
  • Everyone has it and no one can lose it. What is it?

      ANSWER: Shadow
  • Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun")

    Homer describes a more-than-natural light around the heads of heroes in battle.

  • The illumined ass-hole always considers himself the biggest pig in the pen.

  • Pig - pen - writing - spells - Magick
  • Is the world as it appears to be, or is there some further reality beyond appearance? Plato's allegory of the cave, from The Republic, is one of the most famous and beautiful expositions of the difference between appearance and reality. Using Socrates as his mouthpiece, Plato argues that empirical knowledge amounts to no more than knowledge of appearances. In fact, he claims, our perceptual knowledge is at least thrice removed: it is merely knowledge of the shadows of illusions of reality.
  • The silly pig ate the apple from the Tree of Life?

  • This relates to the bodhidharma text of the 2 entrances?
  • Ins and outs give the Matrix structure, but only a Sith deals in absolutes - besides, a skilled courtesan is known as three-holer?

  • Thanks teacher.
  • PETER - ok... don't get me wrong, i don't care about BREEMABORG either, she just intimidate me & i try to play "mr nice guy"... = ha, ha, ha ?
  • I didn't say I didn't care about breemaborg, don't know why you'd say that Ferz.
  • ...no, PETER, i used my english as a dish-washer...again... either is out.
    i simply don't care about BREEMABORG.
    she's too MATURE for me, & this scares me.
  • What do you care about ferz?
  • she can take care of her-own... why would i "don't sleep at night" for that?
    ...kinda-kiddin', anyway...
    i care for you, guys... i mean, you make my day, while i do "basikally nothing"...
    ~ ouch? - ha, ha, ha? - roasted!...
  • BREEMABORG, ... i'm HERE. not... i go sleep.
  • edited March 2019
    i and ferz are sleeping together? If ferz is the queen, then i is king?

  • BS, far fetched humour. We need a translator for that...
  • What is there to trans late?

  • CB, there´s every single thing to translate, don´t pretend there isn´t.
  • ok - BREEMABORG, i was few minutes ago looking in YOUR blogspot...
    - i kept on intending to expres' what i said with some other words = i meant :
    YOU being mature = not ... oldy, au contraire - YOU're beautiful
    mature = as in ... YOU know a lot, or enough, about YOURSELF & proove a subtly discernment
    me not care about YOU = YOU can take care of YOURSELF & don't need me, or any other stranger, being wory about YOU.
    it was a mes'age of... lika... a swat-member to another, YOU know...
    - i don't try to justify myself, whether i seemed rude it was just my stupidity in using english language accurately...
    ...&, if so - i'm sorry
  • ...but, i'm too old & tired to improve my fockin' english from now on...
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