"Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's Father [????]



  • Actor KEITH ALLEN and New Order‘s PETER HOOK want MANCHESTER UNITED star DAVID BECKHAM to rap on a remix of the band’s 1990 World Cup anthem.

  • take the rap
    phrase of rap
    be punished or blamed, especially for something that is not one's fault or for which others are equally responsible.

    synonyms:be punished, take the blame, suffer, suffer the consequences, pay, pay the price
    "why should I take the rap for what Clarence did?"

  • Matthew 5:34–5:37

    34But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God,
    35or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.
    36And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black.
    37Let your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’; anything more than this comes from the evil one.


  • Psychologist and noted skeptic Ray Hyman has written:

    I started reading palms in my teens as a way to supplement my income from doing magic and mental shows. When I started I did not believe in palmistry. But I knew that to “sell” it I had to act as if I did. After a few years I became a firm believer in palmistry. One day the late Dr. Stanley Jaks, who was a professional mentalist and a man I respected, tactfully suggested that it would make an interesting experiment if I deliberately gave readings opposite to what the lines indicated. I tried this out with a few clients. To my surprise and horror my readings were just as successful as ever. Ever since then I have been interested in the powerful forces that convince us, reader and client alike, that something is so when it really isn’t.

  • Bullshit detector: if you want to believe something, question it.

    If something makes you uncomfortable, question why.

    Pros and cons. Facts.
  • Prostitutes and Convicts might be playing for the same team?  Only a Sith deals with absolutes like Black and White.

  • edited May 2017
    You have a great point, but I'm going to challenge that because it's fun to have discussions like this.

    Are there many aspects to the truth? When you read the records you can tell what happened and what didn't happen, no?
    Sure, there's many different perspectives but that doesn't change the facts. Pick something out of your own life.

    A serious illness that changed everything, for instance.
    That illness happened. It's a fact. That's the truth, period, no matter how many angles you view it from.

    I'm sorry it happened and that there was a lot of pain involved, but it happened.
  • "Established fact" has to become recognized and accepted as such. But by whom and for what purpose?
  • I see, okay.
  • the garlick on itself would stop the vampire thing?. thanks
  • Established fact is a barrier to deprogramming making Enlightenment impossible.
  • Deprogramming and Zen Mastery are just 2 preliminary steps. There are many more.
  • In this world of illusion established fact is not? form is formless, and formless is form¡?
  • edited May 2017
    conventional reality against ultimate reality are two interesting things two further meditate upon

    establshed fact is my weight machine says im 72.5 kg conventional reality or truth

    that will change in some weeks..

    so established fact may be changing.
  • ok i was just trying to participate. :'(
  • So your point is this(?):

    Facts are not as important as the purpose they serve or how they're used?
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