what else is brain supposed to serve at - thinking? = bad-idea-jeans : if you think wrong, you're wrong & if you think correct, either you see-it-as-it-is ~ which sucks ~ either you become a danger for "the others" - public menace number 1...
When a program or a DLL uses a DLL function in another DLL, a dependency is created. Therefore, the program is no longer self-contained, and the program may experience problems if the dependency is broken. For example, the program may not run if one of the following actions occurs:
A dependent DLL is upgraded to a new version.
A dependent DLL is fixed.
A dependent DLL is overwritten with an earlier version.
A dependent DLL is removed from the computer.
These actions are generally known as DLL conflicts. If backward compatibility is not enforced, the program may not successfully run.
The Japanese government has made repeated attempts to kill me. The best documented event took place in June of 2009 when an agent by the name of Mutsuaki Okubo stabbed me with a poisoned needle in front of multiple witnesses. When I went to the Japanese police they refused to take any action on the matter...
gauge - exactly, & the |-| distance between "edges" is where "the-maelstrom" is supposed to happen... - i call it "the-crease-technique"... = search for the crease within the gauge, then for the crease-within-crease etc...
BRIAN, YOU only tease me... obviously. chinese mafia&black-dragon/yakuza versus illuminati nwo is bullshit... beyond 'em is the chiaos/hakka&japanese-jewish' versus (?) westerners-jewish' (rothschilds) &, beyond 'em are jesuits - "black-monks" of nsa&mj12... &, beyond 'em are "the greens" (greenbergs?) ...&, et-s impersonators & gargouilles are already "the stuff from behind the courtain", "fallen angels"/projections of the minds involved in this "psycho-delyrik mind-game"... 'course at least 45percent of fulford-parody is shit-eatin', but some 30percent makes sense... which is which, this is the mastery of discernment, but i repeat myself - i gotta be real drunk... = ha, ha, ha ?
...&, i see it through da fulford mention' that 14th dll has been replaced at age 4 by the black-dragon-society...
- i call it "the-crease-technique"...
= search for the crease within the gauge, then for the crease-within-crease etc...
- kinda-like in that comedy with jack lemon & walter mathau when mathau was a sniper ...
chinese mafia&black-dragon/yakuza versus illuminati nwo is bullshit...
beyond 'em is the chiaos/hakka&japanese-jewish' versus (?) westerners-jewish' (rothschilds)
&, beyond 'em are jesuits - "black-monks" of nsa&mj12...
&, beyond 'em are "the greens" (greenbergs?)
...&, et-s impersonators & gargouilles are already "the stuff from behind the courtain", "fallen angels"/projections of the minds involved in this "psycho-delyrik mind-game"...
'course at least 45percent of fulford-parody is shit-eatin', but some 30percent makes sense...
which is which, this is the mastery of discernment, but i repeat myself - i gotta be real drunk... = ha, ha, ha ?