In chapter number eleven of “The Quest of the Holy Grail” we hear the story centered on the legendary tree of life. It all has its roots in Adam and Eve. The chapter tries to tell us the real origins of the sword and the ship that were previously encountered in the last chapter, by our legendary knights. Adam and Eve betrayed God; and therefore, were thrown away from paradise. As they were being exiled from this marvelous place, Eve was able to take a small branch from one of the trees that were in the garden. She wanted to be able to remember what she did wrong, and so she took a part of the garden of Eden with her. She planted the branch, and it grew. It grew completely white, because it was clean, and untouched, just like Eve, at the time.
As time passed, and the tree kept growing, Adam and Eve lived normal lives. They had a son named Cain. When they had Cain, the tree changed. It began to grow more, and had green leaves. This means fertility, and symbolizes that Adam and Eve now have a happy family. The they had Abel. Cain was jealous of Abel because he seemed to be the favorite among the two brothers. He was so jealous that he killed him. Now the tree stopped growing, and it turned red, because Cain murdered Abel. After all of these things happened to the tree of life, we hear the story of Solomon. Solomon wanted to build a ship that would last a very long time. He took the wood from the tree of life, and he began building his great ship. We are later told that the ship that Solomon built was the ship that the three knights enter in the last chapter.
Tukachevski? Wasn´t that the russian general that was implicated in an aparently faked conspiraçy against Stalin which led to a great depuration in the red army. It seems that over 36 000 oficers of the red army were killed or sent to concentration camps. The whole thing seems to had been concocted by Heydrich, the black angel of the ss.
Wagner was undoubtely a musical genius, the power and beauty of his music are for me unparaleled by any other composer of the 19 th century. That he became Tarantino is for me somewhat of a disapointment.
Most freemasons are well intentioned and have very little clue of what is being cooked upstairs by their superiors. The same aplies to most organisations. The generality of communists, nazis, fascists and so on had good intentions.
SE7EN didn't ... point it, actually... but i do