Waste of Time

We are in Samsara, and the only way out is persistent meditation? How many are doing that? Who wants to get out? Are we just wasting our time?


  • what would mean ... not-to-waste-time?do... what? cookin' pen-cakes? shadow-boxing? playin' cards?
    = it just 's hit me : the whole universe is a waste-of-time...
    gravity is time, blah-blah strings& time-travel... what a huge (!) waste of time...

  • I want to get out, where is the door? I can´t find the darned door!...
  • But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
  • Thats truth. i too, dont see the way out.
  • We keep repeating things and get nowhere. 
  • edited February 2017
    Edit: nothing, I tried to post an image.
  • Animation is the process of making the illusion of motion and the illusion of change.
  • Let´s be part of the few who find the door. Is BS the doorman? Not likely, but he can point in the general direction of it, that`s the assumption of all of us here. Has he being doing that all along? Perhaps...But we don´t get it. Perhaps a big sign with an arrow pinpointing the place...

  • Leftius, very true, we keep repeting things and getting nowhere, it´s our fate at least for now, we are stuck.
    Peter, "Al Twat", funny. Humour is a sign of being ready to transcend this so called reality. I have a great sense of humour,am I in the prospective of jumping up due to that? No...
  • humour vs al gore ? = al bundy...
  • Paulojose, it would be a good idea to become a Buddhist monk. It is actually my dream, but I'm not ready yet. I still have bad habits. 
  • LEFTIUS, please name some of YOUR bad habits... or, define the concept = i don't get it - are they bad habits 'cause YOU hurt yourself by apply 'em or 'cause other people told YOU 'ey are bad ?
    =i know YOU got my drift.
  • edited February 2017
    Alcohol, games, Snus and laziness for example. I'm glad that I'm already a vegetarian.
    And I'm of course a very flawed person. But everybody are.
  • edited February 2017
    Ha. We all sure are very flawed people.

    Well, excuuuuuse me!
  • alcohol, games, snus & lazines...
    ' was sure = come on, man...
  • flawless, in YouTube - team backpack
  • Leftius what you said implies that if we are flawed we are not yet ready to start going forward. That is something I thought until very recently and it is wrong. It doesn´t matter how bad we are, forward is the way, the lower we are the sooner we have to start climbing the ladder. It doesn´t matter how low we are, it´s irrelevant, we have to start now.If we don´t get rid of what is wrong now we will come back again in another life with the same problems, they won´t disappear by themselves. We are suposed to have spiritual guides working from the other world but I feel no guidance whatsoever, what the hell are they doing?...
    Yes, to become a monk is the final step but not possible for us at this stage.
  • edited February 2017
    I'm still partly suicidal, but suicide would not erase my problems. This is a horrible world. I wish I could even rest for awhile after this life. I have very bad karma. My soul keeps returning to this world without much rest. When I die, I will find a new body soon. 

    How do you know becoming a monk is impossible for you and me? 

    I've got a few guides who talk to me sometimes.
  • "we all sure are very flawed people"...
    "how do you know (...) is impossible for you and me?"
    = hello!!! do YOU realise we're only... 8 people in HERE?
    = ok, who did i mis'?
  • Eminem soldier YouTube?
    = what?...
  • "i am not an average man" - elementary season 1 episode 12 min 36:35...
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