3) that lion habit to kill lion-cubs intrigued me since i found out 'bout it from a discovery documentary... growth & monstruous = male-lions kill cubs in-line to couple with the liones'e ...
= any news on the star-card of the economist2017 covert ?
... i mean, 'ey mock everybody - 8 billions people - by showing in-plane-sight pictures of some-kind & laughing out-loud, like: "any of you ain't able to SEE even the fact that we show you the whole picture & you stare in-vain..."
... 'round 7.5 billions people don't give a fuck 'bout any of these - it's like 4 kids helped an old-woman to cros' the street, 'cause the old-woman wasn't intendin' to cros' the street...
not getin' involved in solving the charades 'ey show 's like ... i don' t know - it's like i'm being told: "why do you involve in this crap ? it wouldn't even have been hapenin' whether you weren't about to throw yourself into it..."
= maybe it's just me ... yeah, 'ey bet on "truthseekers" "next-moves" - this is the reason why 'ey hit-&-run like this ... but, what seekers are supposed to do ? = it's like a bully hits you in the face on the street & ... what are you supposed to do ? - walk-away, like it never happened ?
it is happening ! &, it's just the way it is. i didn't invent it
= i still can't believe NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT WHO ARE THE KIDS WITHIN THE STARS, in star-card of 2017economist-covert...
... i mean, 'ey might present US widely : here are the ones we killed in savage-rituals... &, even the clairvoyants like Rosette Delacroix ended investigations...
= YOU realise that - first-of-all - whoever made the covert know' what's the deal about...
&, this way, a bunch of few criminals, physikal or mind type, ... simply WON = awhole world minds its own bus'ines & it will happen again&again&again...
...&, me - maybe the only one who still smash its brains out to figure-out what the fuck it means, i risk to be considered "out-of-order"...
= HERE might have been an answer , it was already deleted.
= sorry, my bad... - i wrongly pushed on "post comment" while trying to delete it = i copy-paste'd the remnant of the deleted youtube of "star-card-faces" ... &, then i tryed to delete & ... wrong buton pushed.
... anyway, let 'em do it ! = who died & left me become "the knight of justice" ? - fuck knight-hood, & fuck justice.
= in a world which looks at
& ALL 'ey notice is : "look, that apple is red..." - what can i say, anymore ?
- 'cause, whether i yall out-loud : "watch the arrow = it's not only lower-pointed, but not even centered ! = whoever did it, did it on-purpose !" - 7.99 billions laugh at my face & say : "you're dumm" = what can i do ?
i only can answer : "ok, chill... please don't kill me & enjoy you're not a target... yet" ...