Proof That The Elite Really Do Want A Global Society With No Possessions, No Privacy And No Freedom



  • Bathory Bathory, Elizabeth Bathory.
  • Ok teacher, i give up... This is scary how i stop it?
  • Disrupting the food chain would be a matter of national security.
  • edited March 2019
    1) de imbecyl aka engelbert humperdinck, as hard is to believe, is a freemason
    2) bow wow wow - i want candy ?
    2a - ok, some candy ... ---\/

    2b - lil' bow wow ?

  • 3) that lion  habit to kill lion-cubs intrigued me since i found out 'bout it from a discovery documentary... growth & monstruous = male-lions kill cubs in-line to couple with the liones'e ...
    but, i also saw this:

  • = any news on the star-card of the economist2017 covert ?
    ... i mean, 'ey mock everybody - 8 billions people - by showing in-plane-sight pictures of some-kind & laughing out-loud, like: "any of you ain't able to SEE even the fact that we show you the whole picture & you stare in-vain..."
    ... 'round 7.5 billions people don't give a fuck 'bout any of these - it's like 4 kids helped an old-woman to cros' the street, 'cause the old-woman wasn't intendin' to cros' the street...
    not getin' involved in solving the charades 'ey show 's like ... i don' t know - it's like i'm being told: "why do you involve in this crap ? it wouldn't even have been hapenin' whether you weren't about to throw yourself into it..."
    = maybe it's just me ... yeah, 'ey bet on "truthseekers" "next-moves" - this is the reason why 'ey hit-&-run like this ... but, what seekers are supposed to do ? = it's like a bully hits you in the face on the street & ... what are you supposed to do ? - walk-away, like it never happened ?
    it is happening ! &, it's just the way it is. i didn't invent it

  • So thats why of my constant lost of money, also? How to stop the food chain @Brian im eating ajos, really...
  • Sorry for tormenting you with my stupidity, teacher.. Einstein was right, perhaps is infinite.
  • edited December 2016
  • edited April 2017
    = i still can't believe NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT WHO ARE THE KIDS WITHIN THE STARS, in star-card of 2017economist-covert...
    ... i mean, 'ey might present US widely : here are the ones we killed in savage-rituals... &, even the clairvoyants like Rosette Delacroix ended investigations...
    = YOU realise that - first-of-all  - whoever made the covert know' what's the deal about...
    &, this way, a bunch of few criminals, physikal or mind type, ... simply WON = awhole world minds its own bus'ines & it will happen again&again&again...
    ...&, me - maybe the only one who still smash its brains out to figure-out what the fuck it means, i risk to be considered "out-of-order"...

    = HERE might have been an answer , it was already deleted.
  • Victims of false paradigms.Mental fermentation could be primarily Fluoride driven.

    1: The mental fermentation (āsava) linked with sensuality is the false assumption, that sensing 
    always brings pleasure, while actually sensing also is associated with pain and also neutral feeling, 
    which is far the most common! 
    2: The mental fermentation associated with becoming is like the banal yet, common wishful thinking: 
    "May I become rich, beautiful, and famous", not noticing that any becoming inevitably is associated 
    with change, decay, death, and thus suffering too!  
    3: The mental fermentation associated with ignorance is the misconceptions we make by inaccurate 
    approximation, undue generalization, and gross over-projection:

    Example: We make the observation: "The horizon is linear". Then we assume, project and simplify by 
    undue conceptual over-generalization: "The earth must be flat", which is a false mentally brewed up
    fermented misconception... 

  • Simple things like brushing our teeth, watching TV and using the Internet can seriously compromise critical thought. 
  • Basically, it is the Communist plot to debase art and weaponize it - but applied to human thought.

  • Conan Doyle's belief in fairies had unexpected consequences?

  • Thanks for being here teacher.. you are my best friend.
  • = sorry, my bad... - i wrongly pushed on "post comment" while trying to delete it = i copy-paste'd the remnant of the deleted youtube of "star-card-faces" ... &, then i tryed to delete & ... wrong buton pushed.
    ... anyway, let 'em do it ! = who died & left me become "the knight of justice" ? - fuck knight-hood, & fuck justice.
    = in a world which looks at 
    & ALL 'ey notice is : "look, that apple is red..." - what can i say, anymore ?
    - 'cause, whether i yall out-loud : "watch the arrow = it's not only lower-pointed, but not even centered ! = whoever did it, did it on-purpose !" - 7.99 billions laugh at my face & say : "you're dumm" = what can i do ? 
    i only can answer : "ok, chill... please don't kill me & enjoy you're not a target... yet" ...
  • = this is the remnant i was talkin' about - beyond those letters ...

    = 8 persons who could get-over-it, & 7 ... just ain't go-for-it... whatever.
    = me, disapointed? - no.
  • = did i say "get-over-it" ? = my bad = i meant "get-all-over-it" / "break-through-it" ...

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