"Who are the 14 faces deeply embedded within the “Star” card? To me, they appear to (victimized?) children or adolescents. Or are these something like “yearbook photos” of people who are now adults and are now sitting in positions of power? And what does the “comet” in the middle of the card represent? Is this whole card a reference to the shocking #PizzaGate horror that involves Comet Ping Pong Pizza underground pedophilia ring?"
"In the 5th card we 'The Star', once again a tilted card which overlaps the 'wheel of fortune' seen below. Showing also 14 faces within suns, which one of our videographers tells us are also stars, according to Wikipedia, 'the Star' sometimes signifies hope or inspiration. Might this card mean much more than that to them? Do the globalists know something we don't know?"
... but, as i said in "proof..." topic - i can't just hang my hands on my chest like an X sign & watch it happening... BRIAN, YOU said in this topic earlier "Mandela effect is an offshore of false memory syndrome created by pedophiles" - therefore, YOU know the dimensions of the crime... = my last "finding" on the star-card is... mars-gate involved ? = basiago, corey good, stillings ... laura ... &, of course da sorcerers 're mockin'-at-US ... it's all 'eye can be - a rat is a rat is a rat... i don't wanna be spit in my face by any rat anymore... or, killed by any - even if it's a female, like that slut whi(t)ch killed me in june 2016...
= my last "finding" on the star-card is... mars-gate involved ? = basiago, corey good, stillings ... laura ...
&, of course da sorcerers 're mockin'-at-US ... it's all 'eye can be - a rat is a rat is a rat... i don't wanna be spit in my face by any rat anymore... or, killed by any - even if it's a female, like that slut whi(t)ch killed me in june 2016...