We are just a few but we are not "the" chosen few, let´s not see things, meanings, specially esoteric ones, where they don´t exist. If they do exist I would be delighted but don´t wait for that christmas present...
The end is near, of course, didn´t you know? Prophecies are fascinating, they don´t happen in the time they were assigned by their authors to happen but perhaps there´s some truth in them, being so the sequence is War-Antichrist-End of this world. After that the golden age will begin. That´s what we are told, perhaps we will see all of it or part, we would have to survive the whole mess, not likely. Perhaps we have an assigned role in the flying circus, or not. If we do perhaps that´s the reason that BS wasts his time with us.
"I like this place, it's nice. Now let's talk about British naval force!"
His Ladye Nevells book bears some battle marches and stuff. How odd!
I was a templar knight, too!
im crapping my pants already
I'm slightly disturbed? Wtf was that!?
Vicious fluoride junkies could start developing certain manias and/or paranoias related to the end of the world.