Swings & Roundabouts

A natural intuitive requiring greater discipline may start with a pendulum.




  • What kind of pendulum I should have got?
  • @ferz: what my Dad taught me (and this might be wrong) is that you take the pendulum that wants to go home with you home.
    So tie a piece of string to a paper clip and ask yes/no questions to see what is yes or no for you. Once that's established you go to wherever you can purchase pendulums and ask the pendulums one by one when holding it "do you want to come home with me?" You take the one that says yes.

    Only clear or white quartz ever say yes to me. It's a problem because, as a beginner, quartz is very difficult to work with.

    Once you have your pendulum you need to cleanse it. I usually
    let it dip in salt water by the window on a full moon because that is again, what I was taught as a kid.
  • edited October 2016
    Good tips, Luna! I will get another; I had one years ago, I lost it when I moved. 

    Edit: I just found a good pendulum.
  • Regarding the pendulum, learn to internalize the Yes/No responses. But understand that while the poor man dowses (seeks treasure), the rich man divines.

  • Divining is hard!!!!
  • Inexperienced dowsers will find that "Bob" can be tricky - VERY tricky. It's the same with channeling and other forms of lower psychism. You are advised to master THOUGHT by transcending it.


  • "Bob" is an asshole.
  • The human memory can be a tricky thing. Sometimes one can seem to remember things in perfect detail and yet they never happened.

    This spirit that appeared to
    me in dreams later introduced himself as Bob. I think HE has been attacking me.

    That's why Bob is an asshole.
  • Am I losing it? Bob is also a disgusting perv.

    Undeveloped souls don't need much of a reason to act like imbeciles. Maybe I'm acting like an imbecile. I don't know.
  • Bob is the untamed and undisciplined mind.

  • "Are you a robot or do you think for yourself?"
  • "Are you a robot or do you think for..?"
    "Are you a robot or do you think?"
    "Are you a robot or do you?"
    Are you a robot or do?"
    "Are you a robot or?"
    "Are you a robot?"
    "Are you a?"
    "Are you?"
  • edited October 2016
  • Is the world as it appears to be, or is there some further reality beyond appearance? Plato's allegory of the cave, from The Republic, is one of the most famous and beautiful expositions of the difference between appearance and reality. Using Socrates as his mouthpiece, Plato argues that empirical knowledge amounts to no more than knowledge of appearances. In fact, he claims, our perceptual knowledge is at least thrice removed: it is merely knowledge of the shadows of illusions of reality.
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