Alex Jones: War Declared on Russia by Soros-Controlled US



  • edited March 2019
    Reading information from the chakras is not difficult. It just requires rudimentary dowsing skills.

  • edited March 2019
    But with knowledge comes responsibility. If information is misused, you might lose a limb.

  • What must i do, teacher?... :'(
  • If we make a habit of displaying too rigid a mindset and/or spreading or helping to spread falsehood and heresy via powerful channels such as the internet, we must be ready for the dire consequences. All the rubbish posted on the internet is inviting total extermination. There is very little hope of any redemption. 
  • The Buddha identified five conditions we are to explore in relation to speech.

    1. Do I speak at the right time or not?  Is this the right time?  Really stepping back to see if this is the right moment.
    2.  Do I speak the facts or not.  Am I saying what’s really true?
    3.  Am I speaking harshly or gently?
    4.  Do my words benefit beings or not?
    5.  What is my motivation?  Do I speak with a good heart or is my heart malicious?

    In modern times, it's all about affirmations of unrepentant hubris with the media leading the way.
  • Which Buddhist text should one approach first? The Pali Canon?
  • Without mind expansion first, we might mistake the Buddha for the Devil or Jesus for a Hippie making any approach fruitless. 


  • edited April 2017
    The best first step is probably Zen Mastery. Since it moves beyond thought, it also moves beyond programming and mind control. But don't go anywhere near a Zen Monastery or start wearing the robes. Don't take Eckhart Tolle, Osho or your cat as examples of Zen Mastery either or continually quote insipid nonsense that has no meaning.

  • Wait. DON'T go to a monastery??
    Where on Earth do you find good teachers then? The internet!?
  • No offense, you are pretty excellent, but one shouldn't just have one instructor in a lifetime, n'est pas?
  • Is has nothing to do with teachers, especially if the students refuse to learn.

  • When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

  • Perhaps just start with simple deprogramming techniques, first?

  • Because most teachers are very Draconian, the myth arises that Reptilians are very wise?

  • edited October 2016
    Besides, most students will only accept false (but comfortable) fairy tales because that is all they are capable or willing to accept.
  • So, teachers tend to be actors who expect payment for their entertainment?

  • In His teaching Jesus also said, “Watch out for the scribes. They like to walk around in long robes, to receive greetings in the marketplaces, and to have the chief seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets who devour widows' houses, and for appearance's sake offer long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation."
  • Slit Pupils?

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