The Star of David is also used less prominently by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the temples and in architecture. It symbolizes God reaching down to man and man reaching up to God, the union of Heaven and earth. It may also symbolize the Tribes of Israel and friendship and their affinity towards the Jewish people. Additionally, it is sometimes used to symbolize the quorum of the twelve apostles, as in Revelation 12, wherein the Church of God is symbolized by a woman wearing a crown of twelve stars. It is also sometimes used to symbolize the Big Dipper, which points to the North Star, a symbol of Jesus Christ.
Cameron has said, "On my mother's side of the family, her mother was a Llewellyn, so Welsh. I'm a real mixture of Scottish, Welsh, and English." He has also referenced the German Jewish ancestry of one of his great-grandfathers, Arthur Levita, a descendant of the Yiddish author Elia Levita.
What can i say teacher... I dont want any programming fate that is not one that i choose... I dont want to be sick... I do choose to believe in jesus... I choose to accept zionism if that would be the will of God... I would choose not to have weird homo tendencies... All those creepy subconcious decitions... For what? To become some genius science crippled atheist god? No i choose to erase that stupidity and choose my destiny.
We like rituals, don't we? A certain desire for something? O.C.D. is known for NEEDING ritual. Always have to tip my glass a little just the right way before taking a sip.
There's always this misconception that O.C.D is about cleaning, about hygiene. Not so. There are cases where this is thus, but many cases are completely dissimilar to what is conceptualized as obsessive compulve disorder.
People with O.C.D. are like this: I always having to organize things from tallest to shortest, time my car rides with a timer etc. I always HAVE TO begin an activity with a certain few steps. Everything must be in alphabetic order, when I go to the grocery store, I look for things in that manner. By alphabetic order. If anyone forces me to do anything different, panic will ensue.
Everybody wants to be in control, everyone wants to be right, everyone wants to be a big shot, everyone wants to be the centre of attention.
And no one can look past their big, fat noses.
Rituals are a distraction. It's all-encompassing, takes you away from everything. A person with O.C.D. can literally NEVER be mindful, it is impossible for them to put awar thought and meditate.
Obsessed with bonobos and chimpanzees now. Bonobos were thought to be peaceful, with no infanticide, warfare, cheating, deceit of any kind ever found.
It's more than just human nature.
A certain desire for something?
O.C.D. is known for NEEDING ritual. Always have to tip my glass a little just the right way before taking a sip.
There's always this misconception that O.C.D is about cleaning, about hygiene. Not so. There are cases where this is thus, but many cases are completely dissimilar to what is conceptualized as obsessive compulve disorder.
People with O.C.D. are like this:
I always having to organize things from tallest to shortest, time my car rides with a timer etc. I always HAVE TO begin an activity with a certain few steps. Everything must be in alphabetic order, when I go to the grocery store, I look for things in that manner. By alphabetic order. If anyone forces me to do anything different, panic will ensue.
O.C.D. is LITERALLY the mental disease of ritual.
And no one can look past their big, fat noses.
Rituals are a distraction. It's all-encompassing, takes you away from everything. A person with O.C.D. can literally NEVER be mindful, it is impossible for them to put awar thought and meditate.
Ritual = Avoidance.
Lalallalalalalalalala random stuff lalalallLalalalallaalalala