Space Age Trannies are identified, NOT by the clothes they wear, but by the insipidness of their thoughts. Unfortunately, I have NEVER encountered anyone who was not a Space Age Tranny!
As a child, my mother would never let us watch cartoons. She said that talking animals was not part of God's creation. That such was only the work of the Devil.
Basho Osho said to his disciples, "If you have a staff, I will give you a staff. If you have no staff, I will take it from you."
Just a reminder that whatever you say or think is ALWAYS wrong - even when it's right!
A monk said to Ummon, "The brilliance of the Buddha silently illuminates the whole universe. . . . "But before he could finish the verse, Ummon said, "Aren't those the words of Chosetsu the Genius?" "Yes, they are," answered the monk. "You have slipped up in your speaking," Ummon said.
Obscure, nonsensical, paradoxical quotations may be funny but they make our brains hurt in trying to figure them out and ultimately they are worthless if we don´t understand them.
So, if what we think and say is always wrong, then what must we do?
Do the scientific thing and dissect everything, question every turn and only think in a manner consistent with Logic herself?
Or must we take the other path, push all thoughts aside and meditate? But when we leave our meditation and we return to the tangible and material, then what do we do?
@paulojose: Telepathic? Don't you mean instinctual? Just because animals don't use language or have no conception of it doesn't mean they're telepathic. They communicate in other manners, perhaps more instinctual than in the manner humans communicate. It's just a different form of communication.
I'm also afraid to say that I spent most of my teenaged years in a deranged mental state that would have landed me in an asylum in the 1950s, perhaps with a lobotomy. I know what delusional thoughts are. I know what a delusional disorder looks like, I know what a psychosis looks like (my best friend became my best friend then because we were both out of touch with reality. He was suffering from a psychotic break, I was delusional and hallucinating very disturbing things, all around the time I met strange man named Brianstalin on the internet and pleaded for help. He did for me what no psychiatrist, nurse or cognitive-behavioural therapist could do, and I owe him my sanity). Anyone who claims to be a telepath is probably not in a very good mental state, and what they hear is most likely hallucinations.
Duplicate comment erased and replaced with this message:
Down by the bayyyyy Where the watermelons growwww Back to my hoooome I will not goooooooooooo For if I dooooo My mother would sayyyyy "Have you ever seen a melon Down by the bay!"
Cynthia, telepathy is a normal thing in animals including us, not being telepathic as humans are nowadays is not normal, one day we all, in another lives, will be telepathtic again.The loss of telepathy was a sort of punishment. The story of the Babel tower is about that loss, humans had to start comunicate exclusively through sounds. Dogs, cats, birds, etc, they are constantly sending telepathic messages, we are just deaf to them.
A monk asked Koyo Seijo, "Daitsu Chisho Buddha sat in zazen for ten kalpas and could not attain Buddhahood. He did not become a Buddha. How could this be?" Seijo said, "Your question is quite self-explanatory." The monk asked, "He meditated so long; why could he not attain Buddhahood?" Seijo said, "Because he did not become a Buddha."
The real psychotics are in power in companies, governments and so on, more and more.When the slaughter begins they as good psychotics will feel nothing about the bloodshed, perfect isn´t it?
Some say that the isolation of the ascets is counterproductive, we should be in the middle of hell to surpass it. But if we are struggling all the time we may miss what we should do because we are too entangled in the mess and routine of daily life.
A False Dilemma is a fallacy in which a person uses the following pattern of "reasoning": Either claim X is true or claim Y is true (when X and Y could both be false). Claim Y is false. Therefore claim X is true.
When we free ourselves from mind control, we perceive that everyone is really our enemy and therefore must be exterminated because helping them would be a waste of TIME?
Do the scientific thing and dissect everything, question every turn and only think in a manner consistent with Logic herself?
Or must we take the other path, push all thoughts aside and meditate? But when we leave our meditation and we return to the tangible and material, then what do we do?
I'm also afraid to say that I spent most of my teenaged years in a deranged mental state that would have landed me in an asylum in the 1950s, perhaps with a lobotomy. I know what delusional thoughts are. I know what a delusional disorder looks like, I know what a psychosis looks like (my best friend became my best friend then because we were both out of touch with reality. He was suffering from a psychotic break, I was delusional and hallucinating very disturbing things, all around the time I met strange man named Brianstalin on the internet and pleaded for help. He did for me what no psychiatrist, nurse or cognitive-behavioural therapist could do, and I owe him my sanity). Anyone who claims to be a telepath is probably not in a very good mental state, and what they hear is most likely hallucinations.
Down by the bayyyyy
Where the watermelons growwww
Back to my hoooome
I will not goooooooooooo
For if I dooooo
My mother would sayyyyy
"Have you ever seen a melon
Down by the bay!"
Just right to be insipid with...
This is all an illusion. Consequently, we're all in a state of psychosis.