"As for Boris Johnson, the former London mayor who led the movement to leave the EU and is now the odds-on favorite to be the next prime minister, Rowling shared a comment by Johnson that the UK will not be any less united because of this vote, and she added, "Always good to kick off by showing you don't understand a key issue."
Boris Johnson
"My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive."
"My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters."
The elite wants bigger an bigger union between the countries so that they can be better controlled by them. The Brexit is an apparent counter movement in that direction, how could they have allowed it to happen? Perhaps they could not controll it. Lobsang Rampa once said that Brittain will in the future adere to the USA...
In November 1956 a book called The Third Eye was published in the United Kingdom. It was written by a man named as Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, and it purported to relate his experiences while growing up in Chakpori Lamasery,Chokpori, Tibet, after being sent there at the age of seven. The title of the book is derived from an operation, similar to trepanation, that Rampa claimed he had undergone, in which a small hole was drilled into his forehead to arouse the third eye and enhance powers of clairvoyance. The book describes the operation as follows:
The instrument penetrated the bone. A very hard, clean sliver of wood had been treated by fire and herbs and was slid down so that it just entered the hole in my head. I felt a stinging, tickling sensation apparently in the bridge of my nose. It subsided and I became aware of subtle scents which I could not identify. Suddenly there was a blinding flash. For a moment the pain was intense. It diminished, died and was replaced by spirals of colour. As the projecting sliver was being bound into place so that it could not move, the Lama Mingyar Dondup turned to me and said: "You are now one of us, Lobsang. For the rest of your life you will see people as they are and not as they pretend to be."
What Rampa wrote either happened or didn´t, the same for the rest of his extensive other writtings. According to BS he was a plumber (plummer?) who had a big imagination... False then? Perhaps not.
leave the EU and is now the odds-on favorite to be the next prime
minister, Rowling shared a comment by Johnson that the UK will not be
any less united because of this vote, and she added, "Always good to
kick off by showing you don't understand a key issue."
Boris Johnson
"My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive."
friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only
opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters."
In November 1956 a book called The Third Eye was published in the United Kingdom. It was written by a man named as Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, and it purported to relate his experiences while growing up in Chakpori Lamasery, Chokpori, Tibet, after being sent there at the age of seven. The title of the book is derived from an operation, similar to trepanation, that Rampa claimed he had undergone, in which a small hole was drilled into his forehead to arouse the third eye and enhance powers of clairvoyance. The book describes the operation as follows: