The Persian slipper. Holmes was said to have kept his tobacco stored in a Persian slipper atop his fireplace mantel. To many readers this might seem only to be another odd Holmesian quirk. To the pipe smoker, this sets alarm bells ringing. What this means is that Holmes kept his tobacco stored in an open container in the hottest, driest part of his house. Most pipe smokers will go to great lengths to do exactly the opposite. Even tobacco that is expected to be smoked relatively frequently should be kept in a closed container of some sort, and if possible, is usually kept in an area where there is little heat to prevent premature drying of the leaves.
Tobacco adiction is it seems more strong than the one of Heroin, however it is done every day by someone. My father did it after more than 40 years of smoking.
Huron Indian myth has it that in ancient times, when the land was barren and the people were starving, the Great Spirit sent forth a woman to save humanity. As she traveled over the world, everywhere her right hand touched the soil, there grew potatoes. And everywhere her left hand touched the soil, there grew corn. And when the world was rich and fertile, she sat down and rested. When she arose, there grew tobacco . . .