This is an intelligent analysis of these deaths and their actual Magickal significance and beyond.
It seems there is very much going on here, and Rickman's death was very much affiliated with the fictitious but influential tale of Harry Potter. This is all a sign that leads to something and maybe none of us have stepped back enough to make better conclusions.
Gnosticism? Because of the symbolic nature of the video?
I don't understand what's going on. But it's not good. It's the farthest thing from. And I'm getting scared.
Brian, you're very intelligent. In fact one of the brightest people I know. What's so difficult about deprogramming? Well, you've said it yourself before and it seems your good nature in this case won't let you see what's so difficult about it. You always want to see the best in everything, I think. In every cynic is a disappointed idealist. I'm so sorry, good uncle. We're all a bunch of crap, really, selfish. Delusional. Greedy. Just terrible all around.
We have a lot invested in this ride! Sound familiar? Of course we find it so difficult to deprogram! We're so attached to all of this, we want everything to be real. Moreover, you've said it yourself. The truth would burst our little hearts.