Being wholly free of an identity can be very difficult. Is it not a psychological need to identify with a group? Perhaps everything in moderation is what is needed, you can't let your identity shape you and guide you.
Very tired, partied hard today! With my grandma. And my aunt and cousin. Cake and dance, tons of dance! Heheehe pretty cool stuff. Will comment again tomorrow when my brain reboots.
"Man is not an angel and not an animal, and his misfortune is such that the more he strives to be like an angel, the more he turns into an animal." Blaise Pascal
Scientists estimate that roughly four out of ten Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lives. But compelling new data shows this wasn’t always the case…
Recent research reveals some surprising evidence about the history of cancer. It shows the disease hasn’t always been as widespread as it is today. In fact, the best evidence we have suggests that once upon a time almost nobody died of cancer.
My mother's father died of cancer when she a child. He was never vaccinated. She mentions how the children were never allowed to go into his room, so as not to disturb him. No one recalls, before or since, any in the family having cancer.
BUT, with that said...
My mother, sister and oldest brother have had 'benign' tumor growths. In my mother and sister's case, some of those growths grew internally, proved to be life threatening and their removal life altering.
... come on, it's BEYOND ppoisoning phisyoligikally, i's BEYOND mind-control, it's BEYOND dna manipulatyion... it's even BEYOND reincarnatyion - it's ABOUT AWAKENING COUNSCIOUS'NES' !
Particularly, if the false awakening follows a lucid dream, the false awakening may turn into a "pre-lucid dream", that is, one in which the dreamer may start to wonder if they are really awake and may or may not come to the correct conclusion.
Very tired, partied hard today! With my grandma. And my aunt and cousin. Cake and dance, tons of dance!
Heheehe pretty cool stuff. Will comment again tomorrow when my brain reboots.
that the more he strives to be like an angel, the more he turns into an
animal." Blaise Pascal
Are you pointing towards a connection between Blaise Pascale and Alan Rickman?
Scientists estimate that roughly four out of ten Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lives. But compelling new data shows this wasn’t always the case…
Recent research reveals some surprising evidence about the history of cancer. It shows the disease hasn’t always been as widespread as it is today. In fact, the best evidence we have suggests that once upon a time almost nobody died of cancer.
So what’s going on?
RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story
Cannabis can cure dance, hence why it is unlawfully banned
BUT, with that said...
My mother, sister and oldest brother have had 'benign' tumor growths. In my mother and sister's case, some of those growths grew internally, proved to be life threatening and their removal life altering.
What bloody excuse do they have for adding chlorine? "It purifies the water??" Yeah, it's also poisonous!