Prestige and werewolfs



  • Dreaming is a part of reality. Jumping off a train with other soldiers and sole (soul) purpose - killing werewolves in a forest. They were killing German villagers. Active imagination, collective unconsciousness, or planted memory? A fable? No matter, 

  • edited January 2016
    "God couldn't care less less if we wake up or not. After the Rainbow Covenant, He sort of washed His hands of us and turned us over to the Olympians and the agents of Spectrum to test our mettle." - Brian Stalin.

    I thought the Olympians were a bit soft? After all, didn't they need the help of a intellectually impaired "cyclops" [Brontes] to help defeat the Titans? Or could they have managed on their own?

    So what is the rainbow covenant? Who did the dead and what was it, thanks.
  • No doubt it was the opening gambit in a futile exercise of esoteric communication. 
  • There are stories purportedly from people who knew and studied with Mikao Usui from around 1915, including a group of Buddhist nuns, which indicate he originally taught a spiritual system to help students reach enlightenment. Supposedly this system included some healing practices.
  • Peter, you won´t rest until BS confirms that you were Brontes, right?...Just pulling your leg, hope you don´t mind.
  • Many like to emulate the 'one eyed wonder'...even the ones (like Brontes) made in his image?
  • ...cyclopik children, i didn't know... but, it fits in "matrix" mind-game...
  • PAULOJOSE, who is brontes?


  • PETER, rainbow covenant is above - most of links, ok?
  • Ferz, Brontes was a greek mythological figure, between the fight among Olympians and Titans. All a myth or with a basis of truth, perhaps. Some say they continue here ruling our world. Peter can tell you what he thinks is relevant about Brontes. Funny if Peter was part of the greek mythology too, along BS who was there in the flesh.
  • paulojose - That's ok.  I mentioned Brontes because BS mention the Olympians. We would need Brian to say if the Titans and Olympians were actually real to some degree or not. If they didn't exist at all then it is pretty unlikely that BS would have suggested a possible match between me and Brontes. 

    There does seem to have been giants on Earth in the past. 
  • Trinity! Follow the white rabbit.


  • edited March 2019
    Each clue is part of a trail of breadcrumbs that can only be linked using a consciousness that is free to move multi-dimensionally. Walter Semkiw and Uri Geller could be gods among insects, but they have become trapped by their own limitations, yet insist that they are superior beings.

  • Enlightenment involves letting go of the willfully ignorant search for enlightenment. "My glasses, I have lost. See without them, I cannot!"

  • The one-eyed monster may refer to the penis or the TV. Something to do with the Milky Way and stars!

  • edited January 2016
    One eyed monster and dicks? Well, you have to admit that there is an incredible amount of sexual programming within television itself. Not to mention, technological apparatuses such as cellphones (which most of carry with us even to places such as the bathroom) usually track our every move as well. Big Brother is watching.

    There have been a lot of strange things going on lately and their analysis on this forum has made, at least me, very, very uncomfortable. Extremely uncomfortable.
    David Bowie, in particular seems to have entered mass consciousness in a storm. In my case, I never even knew his name before I read of him in occult pages, following Brian's insistance that we all know occult symbology to be able to understand what is going on. I knew his music, even as a child (my mother instilled classic rock and Mozart into me from a young age), thought it was intelligent, but never gave HIM much though. Now that he's dead I can't get this man out of my mind. I'm very serious, and, apparently, neither can most people. It's very, very uncomfortable. He's in the back of my mind all the time! And his F minor "Let's Dance" is in my mind, especially that perfect fifth from F to Bb. What Magick did he perform during his lifetime that ensured this reaction in people? He must have done something, it's affecting the masses badly.

    This is also part of the programming. This is all so wrong, people will do anything for fame and fortune.
  • I take it back, it might be in Ab because it opens with an EbMm7 chord now that I hear it. And that would make sense in Ab and not F minor.
    Brain. Not. Working. Need coffee.
  • Oh. Little energy vampire. What a cutie pie (sarcasm)! Aww!
  • David Jones was known as David Bowie.

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