BRIAN... a three headed dragon, there is... one head is sleeping, the other 2 heads are talkin' about him : " do you know ... he's suckin' cock?", one head said ... the other answers: "ssst... say thank GOD ... he's not ...fuckin' in the ass..."
Shortly afterwards, he was promoted to skipper of the ship Mocha. He was sent to the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) where he was to patrol the islands against pirates. Navigation, explorer, piracy ....
God couldn't care less less if we wake up or not. After the Rainbow Covenant, He sort of washed His hands of us and turned us over to the Olympians and the agents of Spectrum to test our mettle.
Chocolate has an effect on the brain similar to opium.
Espresso: This is a finely ground very dark roast coffee, packed somewhat tightly in a special metal filter, with water "expressed" through it under pressure. A very strong dark coffee, typically served in 1-2 ounce portions. Very commonly incorrectly called "Expresso."
Americano: Italians typically don't drink American Strength coffee. They drink espresso in tiny cups. Then the tourists came and wanted a mug of coffee like they get at home. The Italian solution was to make an espresso and keep the water running through the grounds to weaken the coffee, and make the desired quantity. (edit: Some locations may simply add hot water to the espresso in the cup. This doesn't change the basic concept.) An Americano is simply an espresso that has been drawn out with extra water to an American strength beverage -- Not to be confused with the typical brewed coffee, which is usually filtered.
Caffe au Lait: This is strong filtered or brewed coffee (not espresso), with warmed milk. This is probably the easiest specialty coffee to make at home. Just scald some milk in a pot and pour it over strongly brewed coffee.
Cappuccino: A 1:1:1 ratio of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. Typically the milk is steamed through a special high pressure steam pipe on the espresso machine. This serves two functions. To warm up the milk and to create a stiff foam on the top. When pouring, the foam is held back with a spoon, and then scooped out on top. I'll arbitrarily define the cappuccino as the base beverage for all that follow.
Macchiato: Typically in North America, this is a cappuccino, but with the steamed milk component missing. That is, it is espresso and frothed milk foam only. Also called a "Dry" Cappuccino. Macchiato has different meanings elsewhere.
Latte: A "wet" cappuccino. Hold back the foam with a spoon, and pour the warm milk over the espresso. Put a little bit of foam on top for decoration only.
Mocha: Any one of the above espresso + milk drinks with chocolate added. Some places will add hot chocolate to the drink, others will add a chocolate syrup. A mocha latte is the common preparation. Not to be confused with Mocha beans, which are an Ethiopian coffee bean which has a little bit of a naturally occurring chocolate flavour.
Let’s go all the way back to 1971, to when Starbucks was first coming to be. In a search for a way to capture the seafaring history of coffee and Seattle’s strong seaport roots, there was a lot of poring over old marine books going on. Suddenly, there she was: a 16th century Norse woodcut of a twin-tailed mermaid, or Siren. There was something about her – a seductive mystery mixed with a nautical theme that was exactly what the founders were looking for. A logo was designed around her, and the long relationship with the Siren began.
Triolein is a symmetrical triglyceride derived from glycerol and three units of the unsaturated fatty acid oleic acid. Most triglycerides are unsymmetrical, being derived from mixtures of fatty acids. Triolein represents 4-30% of olive oil.
The difference between triolein and olein is that triolein is (organic compound) the triglyceride of oleic acid while olein is any naturally-occurring greasy or oily substance related to fat.
Biography of Abel Tasman (1602 - 1659)
Shortly afterwards, he was promoted to skipper of the ship Mocha. He was sent to the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) where he was to patrol the islands against pirates.Navigation, explorer, piracy ....