... "comparison"/"parallel" between the form/shape of genital organs (masculin & feminine) - as in a biology book, & any shape of mathematikal graphyks, &/or "occultistyk diagrams"... ???
LEFTIUS, i didn't have any idea of key-words for google, or any patience... i stood sober past 2 days, maybe next drinkin'-ses'ion... ...some potential ideas run around my sick brains, but i don't know maths or any occultistyk similarityes of the kind -in line to obtain a result in that sense... (translation = i'm too stupid to "develop" the basic idea, but at least i "emitted" it...maybe some of YOU smart people get any "deeper-digging" out-of-it...)
no, BRIAN - no ocult...IST (!) obsession at all, i'm just maths & physics (fractals & strings) obsessed... NOT !!! PAULOJOSE, it is so different what nazis meant... hate, love, like - so many different levels...i'll be back, sorry → "different ideas"...
...any ideas to... what i asked in HERE, something like... a "graphyk f(x)" informatikally transcripted/transcribed of the "genitals", some' different than a fractal or a..."matriceal equation"?...
Hillary is a lizard? What does that question says about me?...Peter you agree that Hillary is a lizard don´t you? The baby in the image seems to be leaving an Alien(the film) kind of egg.
Matthew Skalitzky decapitated his own mother because he thought she was a clone.
When Sachi was 17, MacLaine informed her that her father was not Steve Parker but a mystery man named Paul. "Right now, he's in outer space," MacLaine told her. "He's on a mission for the government. A secret mission, sweetheart. All I know is, he's in the Pleiades. The Seven Sisters," she said, pointing to the stars. And Sachi claims her mother confided that: "Steve was created by the government. He's a clone."
...some potential ideas run around my sick brains, but i don't know maths or any occultistyk similarityes of the kind -in line to obtain a result in that sense...
(translation = i'm too stupid to "develop" the basic idea, but at least i "emitted" it...maybe some of YOU smart people get any "deeper-digging" out-of-it...)
PAULOJOSE, it is so different what nazis meant... hate, love, like - so many different levels...i'll be back, sorry → "different ideas"...
in google