Intersting, but sad, story in the UK's Daily Mail.
From the article "After the inquest Mrs Varma's daughter Pia said 'I never told my mum, but about a month before her death my aunt in India rang me to say she had been visiting a pundit who warned that mum should stay away from railings or something bad would happen to her within the month. It's really eerie.'"
Maybe she should have told her. But is it really possible to change fate if pre-warned?
...BRIAN ?
BRIAN - my fault, i've only und'stood "the dark side" of that snail-zen-story...
the FULL question of that... imaginary?... disciple was "if blah-blah or if blah-blah, don't i interfere in the snail karma?" = &, this being told, maybe the disciple save the snail by interfering, one way or another... a coin has 2 faces...
"A spider Master, it has trapped a fly. Should I destroy his web?" - Young Caine
"Why? - Master Po
"So it will not make a prison for other living things that were free." - Caine
"Look more closely Grasshopper. Were you to destroy this web, would not the spider knowing no other way, build another?" - Master Po
"Yes, but I can not kill the spider!" - Caine
"Look more closely still. Is not the spider also trapped by its own web?"- Master Po
"Yes, but if I do nothing it will capture more living things, make them prisoner, and kill them!" - Caine
"You're concerned then with the fly, to which nature has given wings, that it may move about freely?" - Master Po
"It is cruel to see it made a prisoner." - Caine
(laughs) "Still you do not see. Which is truly the prisoner? The fly, which moving freely enters unknown danger? Or the spider, which having spun its web, remains, never knowing the pleasure or the danger of the fly?" - Master Po