Russian mayas



  • Hitler was a politician, therefore he lied...
  • Goebbels was great, he had faith, in Hitler. Hitler had faith too, in himself and in the satanic forces. It worked well, for a while, then it didn´t...Strange how Hitler who was an initiate was not aware that what he threw at the world would inevitably come back to him. All that evil would bounce back as a boomerang, if there is darkness there must be light too, if there is satan the oposite must exist too, and more powerful. No doubt that his prescience, like the one of Himmler, was limited.
  • 1936 olympics
    in google
    PAULOJOSE - die glocke... got it ?...
  • synarchyk green dragon developed russian branch & nazi branch, then from rasputin & stalin & glen bokii bolsheviks developed & when the branches became too... old, dry & nasty... the evil destroyed 'em & keep on trying to... clone some new shit...
    BRIAN once explained this to me... but, using other words & coming from another discus'ion...
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