The mis'ion of Romanya observed through clairvoyance - Eugen Nicolae Gisca → page 93 (free translation) " other "spiritual masters" make all kind of "initiations" to romanians, which are people, fallen adams, former gods, in-the/using name of some simtemy-s, descendants of the biblical adam, which are tobias, or melchisedec, without awarenes' of what ireparable/incurable disasters are producing (with)in the soul, body & aura of the deceived romanians hoaxed like-this/this-way." (to be continued)
ep2 "but how many of the romanians know that tobias & melchisedec, as all sons & daughters of "the god adam" (who deceived himself, & wished/desired to be God, he was not), are not humans, but "sons of man", ('ey) are demi-gods, demi/half-creatures which live only/just one life & then, of all these [freaks-my note], only the Chryst 's "chosen ones", wait inside/within ground/earth [as in "burried"-my note ] 'eyr resurection, when GOD 's 2nd coming as Chryst ?"
i (??) think i (??) can und'stand the law of non-implicatyion & stuff, but the laymers take advantage & use Babaji 's name in 'eyr dirty anti-spiritual tricks... ... i (??) think whether Babaji really got involved in former-white-hat actions - as Uriel identity - ... i like him more this way; especially 'cause the dettachment allows the non-including-effects of his actions... you-und'stand what i meant...
" other "spiritual masters" make all kind of "initiations" to romanians, which are people, fallen adams, former gods, in-the/using name of some simtemy-s, descendants of the biblical adam, which are tobias, or melchisedec, without awarenes' of what ireparable/incurable disasters are producing (with)in the soul, body & aura of the deceived romanians hoaxed like-this/this-way."
(to be continued)
"but how many of the romanians know that tobias & melchisedec, as all sons & daughters of "the god adam" (who deceived himself, & wished/desired to be God, he was not), are not humans, but "sons of man", ('ey) are demi-gods, demi/half-creatures which live only/just one life & then, of all these [freaks-my note], only the Chryst 's "chosen ones", wait inside/within ground/earth [as in "burried"-my note ] 'eyr resurection, when GOD 's 2nd coming as Chryst ?"
... i (??) think whether Babaji really got involved in former-white-hat actions - as Uriel identity - ... i like him more this way; especially 'cause the dettachment allows the non-including-effects of his actions... you-und'stand what i meant...