In the course of time Moses grew up. Then he went to see his own people and watched them suffering under forced labor. He saw a Hebrew, one of his own people, being beaten by an Egyptian. He looked all around, and when he didn’t see anyone, he beat the Egyptian to death and hid the body in the sand.
Then he [Master] declared the Truths, and identified the Birth: 'At that time, Ananda was Rohineyya, Sariputta was Vasudeva [Krishna], the followers of the Buddha were the other persons, and I myself was Ghatapandita."
— Jataka Tale No. 454, Translator: W. H. D. Rouse
Krishna was canonised by Aleister Crowley and is recognised as a saint of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica in the Gnostic Mass of Ordo Templi Orientis.
The Holocaust, the end of emigration era, and the shifting demographics of the diamond business have diminished the traditional Jewish population of Antwerp. For the observant Jews of Antwerp, who have managed to keep their community alive and traditions strong for hundreds of years, the economic future is uncertain. Still, as Eli Ringer notes, the Jews of Antwerp have confronted much greater challenges in its history. Their continuity is forged in faith, and not diamonds, a much more enduring value.
The harder forms, such as anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later exposure to elevated temperature and pressure. Coal is composed primarily of carbon, along with variable quantities of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen.