"In the year 1284 after the birth of Christ From Hameln were led away One hundred thirty children, born at this place Led away by a piper into a mountain. And on the new gate was inscribed: Centum ter denos cum magus ab urbe puellos duxerat ante annos CCLXXII condita porta fuit."
Speaking of children being led astray, metaphorically, of course...
It's not strange to feel like a child, to feel helpless. Most adults have no effing clue what on Earth they're doing with their lives: I sure as hell haven't much of a plan and it's quite odd because as children or teenagers we just assume adults have plans. They know what they're doing: they're ADULTS.
So how the hell do you ADULT!?
How do you build a career? How do you do taxes? What on Earth is a credit score? Why are people talking to me about saturated fats and what the hell is a "saturated fat"? I just eat whatever's in the pantry and it's usually quite salubrious?
A vegetative state is absence of responsiveness and awareness due to overwhelming dysfunction of the cerebral hemispheres, with sufficient sparing of the diencephalon and brain stem to preserve autonomic and motor reflexes and sleep-wake cycles.
If we are going by a 'general' dragon depiction, the Phoenix would literally engulf the Dragon. A phoenix, mythologically speaking, is encompassed by fire. That's where all the inspiration comes from in shows (Pokemon's Ho Oh) and the Phoenix Force (Jean). The Dragon would be unable to use its breath, and, despite its rock hard scales, the Phoenix would burn it to death if it went in close.
Ramana Maharshi mentioned that Kundalini is nothing but the natural energy of the Self, where Self is the universal consciousness (Paramatma) present in every being, and that the individual mind of thoughts cloaks this natural energy from unadulterated expression.
Zen master is a somewhat vague English term that arose in the first half of the 20th century, sometimes used to refer to an individual who teaches Zen Buddhist meditation and practices, usually implying longtime study and subsequent authorization to teach and transmit the tradition themselves.
In Western esotericism the terms Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path refer to a dichotomy between two opposing approaches to magic. ... In some definitions, the Left-Hand Path is equated with malicious black magic and the Right-Hand Path with benevolent white magic. David Icke is Right and Jimmy Savile is Left.
David's a crazy loony bigot and Jimmy was a disgusting monster who destroyed more lives than is conceivable to most.
See how I'm calling them by their first nakes? Not their full names? Full names make them sound more important than they are/were. Trust me, narcissists love to be bigger than life, to be made important, to have special treatment.
Little people. David and Jimmy are/were little people. Little because of their lack of integrity.
From Hameln were led away
One hundred thirty children, born at this place
Led away by a piper into a mountain.
And on the new gate was inscribed: Centum ter denos cum magus ab urbe puellos
duxerat ante annos CCLXXII condita porta fuit."
It's not strange to feel like a child, to feel helpless.
Most adults have no effing clue what on Earth they're doing with their lives: I sure as hell haven't much of a plan and it's quite odd because as children or teenagers we just assume adults have plans. They know what they're doing: they're ADULTS.
So how the hell do you ADULT!?
How do you build a career? How do you do taxes? What on Earth is a credit score? Why are people talking to me about saturated fats and what the hell is a "saturated fat"? I just eat whatever's in the pantry and it's usually quite salubrious?
Become a stickler/popsicle? What?
But then bullshit comes out. BULLSHIT! Because we become full of shit!
Kundalini activation?
That was the obvious question here.
Where on Earth does this idea come from, then? It must have some factual basis.
Let's be honest.
See how I'm calling them by their first nakes? Not their full names? Full names make them sound more important than they are/were. Trust me, narcissists love to be bigger than life, to be made important, to have special treatment.
Little people. David and Jimmy are/were little people. Little because of their lack of integrity.