bucharest ripper 1944



  • Wolfie? It's an interesting nickname, don't you think?

    Now, who was called that by his close friends and family?

    Some random spirit in the collective. Maybe a number of them.
  • If real knowledge comes with unknowing. When is that we know?
  • maybe wolfie had a crush on YOU, mademoisele LUNA.
  • ...&, YOU got scared of any sort of involvement...'cause he loves YOU for YOUR brilliant mind...
  • False Memory Syndrome

    It's as if each new fad is a mind control tool to further the agendas of pedophiles.and the gay New Agers run by Spectrum.

    Sheeple seems to be an aspect of Shamanism enhanced, no doubt, by drugs in the food and water. Mental Fermentation everywhere!

  • Aspartame affects eyesight. You see but cannot observe!

  • Sometimes its just that we get desperate to see our mediocrity and we look for something that takes us out.
  • Roger Stone — political consultant, agent provocateur, friend and confidant of Donald Trump — arrives for lunch with a bodyguard in tow. ‘I’ve had way too many death threats,’ he explains. He says he’s recovering from poisoning by polonium, a radioactive substance used to kill the Russian defector Alexander Litvinenko in London. Litvinenko, he says, had ‘a much larger dose, probably done by British intelligence’.
  • whats the meaning of candy?, thanks teacher.
  • The child aspect?...  its sad that jimmy savile.. the wages of sin is death... :(
  • edited May 2017
    you know, i would like that we were kicking ass already in the phoenix lodge... 

    perhaps its my imagination, no sympathetic.. just pathetic.
  • Death before Immortality is a fundamental part of an even greater Paradox.
  • When I explained this to Babaji, he just glared at me.
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