Sandy Hook



  • Analytical philosophy disciplines habits of thought that generates deformed intellectual reflexes (so that our moral sentiments or reactive attitudes misfire); in particular, we are likely to withhold sympathy/comfort when we ought to extend it.

  • edited March 2019
    In such a climate, we would expect reported cases of alien abduction to increase and for UFO cults to blossom. No doubt, with obvious and thinly disguised Nazi symbolism?

  • Just consider a few stories from the Old Testament:

    The Garden: God didn't tolerate Adam and Eve's sin. He didn't accept their lifestyle choice to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He banished them from Eden and left an angel with flaming swords to guard the entrance so they couldn't return. 

    Noah and the Flood: While the sanitized version of this story is pleasantly detailed in children's storybooks, we cannot forget this story is about immense judgment. Picture a tsunami of destruction instead of a nursery filled with smiling stuffed animals. The flood involved terror, suffering, and death. It was a catastrophic event that only one family survived.

    Uzzah: One of the most uncomfortable accounts of divine intolerance is found in 2 Samuel 6. This story recounts Uzzah's attempt to steady the ark of the LORD after an oxen stumbled on the journey back to Israel. When he reached out and touched the ark (an expressly forbidden action), God didn't say, “Well, his heart was in the right place. I know he was just trying to help.” Uzzah's instinctive response was met with God's intense anger, and Uzzah was immediately struck down.

    We could go on and on throughout the Old Testament, considering Achan, Korah, Aaron's sons, the Canaanites, and the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, just to name a few. All perished by the very hand of God. He did not tolerate their sin; he punished it.


    YOU miss-recognise me, confuse me with ... somebody-else, BRIAN...
  • People always assume I'm communicating directly with them. The dead cannot hear and the blind cannot see. 
  • I'm not a necromancer!

  • Dr Who is a kid's program with the constant subliminal theme of mind control delivered through a broadcast system of that utilizes hypnotic manipulation.  

  • Dont eye roll me girl!
  • There is some evidence that eye-rolling isn’t just an affectation. In his 1989 book Human Ethology, founding human ethologist Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt noted that many cultures have similar gestures for rejection, all involving looking away. “If we do not wish to see, we close our eyes and turn away,” he wrote. “We often move the head in an intention movement to the side or rear, and this reaction to unpleasant visual and olfactory stimuli is also used as a gesture of arrogance.” A type of eye-rolling has also been observed in confined animals, particularly veal calves, as a compulsive behavior and a sign of stress. However, biologists point out that the extraordinary amount of whiteness in the human eye, compared with that of other primates, gives humans a remarkable ability to communicate using only eye movements..  


  • BRIAN, LUNA, OskrZS....

    ARE WE ... A TEAM ?


  • "hypnotic manipulation"

  • I guess we have to try and stick together, ferz! Team!

    Oskr, I was rolling my eyes at Robinson Crusoe/Sherlock Holmes/ @Brian. By the way, Brian didn't t quite explain time travel. So I will do what I must.

    *points water gun loaded with pomegranate juice at Brian* *SHOOTS* Now your white clothes is ruined! Muahahahaahhaahaaha! I am so mean. It now looks like you murdered a pomegranate shrubbery.

  • I'm so depressed. Please kill me.
  • Actually, Brian did explain it well, I just wanted an excuse to shoot someone with pomegranate juice. And since Chirag isn't here with his white clothes, the next best candidate was Mr. Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe makes Don Quixote de la Mancha seem interesting, and Don Quixote is one dull novel. Just voicing a literary opinion here.

    Still got a few rounds of juice. Who's next? I will retire to my term paper now. Tootles!

  • edited November 2015

    Según Alejo Carpentier, «el Orinoco es una materialización del tiempo en las tres categorías agustinianas, tiempo pasado (el tiempo del recuerdo), tiempo presente (tiempo de la intuición) y tiempo futuro (tiempo de la espera)».
  • Time present and time past
    Are both perhaps present in time future
    And time future contained in time past.
    If all time is eternally present
    All time is unredeemable.
    What might have been is an abstraction
    Remaining a perpetual possibility
    Only in a world of speculation.
    What might have been and what has been
    Point to one end, which is always present.
    Footfalls echo in the memory
    Down the passage which we did not take
    Towards the door we never opened
    Into the rose-garden. My words echo
    Thus, in your mind.

    TS Eliot

    Burnt Norton

  • LUNA, ... 

  • LOVE, YO
  • I'm so depressed. Please kill me.

    ... as a TEAMER, in this swat-comedy WE ... "playin' "... i thought this comedy will "rise" YOU-UP, my deer... 

    LAUGH is the ETERNAL ... re-insanitatyion

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