Mummified Buddhist Monk



  • Why is Savile particularly wicked?
  • Mademoisele LUNA, YOUR question "haven't we already lost our souls ? some of us ?" proves
    1) YOU have not lost YOUR SOUL - when YOU ask the question, it means YOU talk about something that EXISTS = can't talk about something that doesn't exist... right ?
    2) i gues' loosin'-soul 's like pos'esion - the pos'esed dude doesn't ask 'self "am i pos'esed?", he just ... becomes somebody-else.
    3) "some of us" - do YOU really need to considere yourself part of a larger community ?...
  • LEFTIUS - thanks : wicked ?↓

  • edited April 2017
    Cynthia,suicide is the ultimate atempt to escape suffering, the logic of it is " I am my body,if body dies therefore pain ends for ever". This logic is of course false. Killing your body won´t kill your suffering because you will continue to live, without your physical body. In the afterlife those who commited suicide always become sorry, and they have to come back perhaps in even worse circunstances. We are doing time in this school/prison world, there´s no escape until we pay our dues and evolve enough to stop our rebirth time and time again. A ticket out of here? I´m the first on line but it´s not going to happen. Personal transformation of ourselves is the only key out.
  • My grandfather's suicide letter clearly indicated that he knew he would be coming back.
  • BREEMABORG... of course...
  • There are people who know about reencarnation and still suicide themselves, the urge to escape immediate suffering must be too strong to escape, the temptation must be huge.
  • Poor Stalin thought that death solves everything. I wonder where he is now.
  • - i tryed, my first photo-link on the phone, typed letter-by-letter = a failure, 'course (curse)...
  • ...ok, type shawna dentist genghis khan
    in google images
  • ... instead, i didn't pay attention to these details, which came-to-me: paramahamsa yogananda was william shakespeare &...
  • minott white lewis was francis bacon -
    BRIAN, ok?
  • tara mata was leonardo da vinci
  • tara mata = laurie virginia pratt, paramahamsa yogananda 's editor
    stop-game? - it doesn't fit & i trust THIS TEAM
    16 aug 1901 - 18 jan 1971
    billy meier
    3 feb 1937 → still alive
    plato → da vinci → billy-meyer
  • the most clever trick used by the devil, as Mere has revealed, is that it takes a truth & in its es'ential middle turns it upside-down = rene guenon 's concept aka "subversyon"...
  • why did stalin "tickle" tamerlan 's grave?
  • ... do YOU realise how wrong "i gave it", with the tara mata ? - i saw the... lie, right?it's a lie, & i kept on wondering "oh, paramahamsa was so wrong? oh,oh..."
    - yes ! so fuckin' what ?!? move forward!
  • PAULOJOSE, suicide is bullshit because it's ... hmm - ok, tunnel&light & going to the movies ~ where you're being shown the mistakes of this (&,previous?) life, & go to that room where you rest (go to sleep?) until next reincarnation... &, all this time you're in that "mood"=extense counsciousnes'...
    &? ~ rewind - childhood, parents, early years education (if you born rich = at home, if you're poor - school... AAAA!!!)
    teenage - "i wanna fuck, but social is'ues ain't allow only if...blah,blah..."
    &, all this bullshit again ? for what ?
    ... i'd rather go 'till the end with this shit
  • very mature thinking, right ?
    heil schnitzel !
  • mata amritanandamayi ?
  • ...oh, bhakti ? bhakti-yoga = yoga of love... what is love ?

  • edited April 2017
    No offence, sorry. lol
  • edited March 2019
    If someone, usually a man, is tied to their mother's apron strings, they still need their mother and cannot think or act independently.

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