Simon Magus, also known as Simon the Sorcerer, and Simon the Magican, came from the village of Gitta (also spelled Getta) in Samaria, a site settled by the tribe of Dan, according to Josephus. Justin, who was himself a 2nd-century native of Samaria, wrote that nearly all the Samaritans in his time were adherents of Simon. Surviving orthodox texts, such as those of Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, Hippolytus, and Epiphanius, regarded Simon as the source of all heresies, including Gnosticism.
Enlightenment won't happen until all the pedos are behind bars, but how can this happen when the pedos have already mind-fucked everybody multiple times over?
A false dilemma is a type of informal fallacy in which something is falsely claimed to be an "either/or" situation, when in fact there is at least one additional option.
Who is the third who walks always beside you? When I count, there are only you and I together
Gnosticism is a gay science, pedophilia? Gnostics are going to be doumbfounded when they hear that, they will say that they are not atracted to the same gender and much less to children, actually when I knew a few they definitely rejected homosexuality. Probably the story goes deeper than this but we will never know.
Note: Simon says to Louis says "phooey you're the king."
Simon says: touch your head!
Simon says: carry your head!
But it's very hard? That's what she said!
My goodness, there's a lot of dirty humour there.
How long has this been going on!? Old habits die hard... but hold it!
I know we've been here for thousands of lives, but..
10 4 from Idiot Island
yes, it is 'gay'...