Leftius, Hitler definetely had a mission, what that was I have no idea, the ideal dictatorship before its time? Free will is a bitch, choice is at everyone´s disposal permanently, that means that we are responsable for the choices we make. No excuses.Hitler chose, he got a result...The same with us.
The story of Arizona Wilder is to date, one of the most disturbing, gruesome, outlandish, fascinating and confusing tales ever told within the conspiracy disclosure movements and truth researching.
Some scholars have suggested that Rajneesh, like other charismatic leaders, may have had a narcissistic personality. In his paper The Narcissistic Guru: A Profile of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Ronald O. Clarke, Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at Oregon State University, argued that Rajneesh exhibited all the typical features of narcissistic personality disorder, such as a grandiose sense of self-importance and uniqueness; a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success; a need for constant attention and admiration; a set of characteristic responses to threats to self-esteem; disturbances in interpersonal relationships; a preoccupation with personal grooming combined with frequent resorting to prevarication or outright lying; and a lack of empathy. Drawing on Rajneesh's reminiscences of his childhood in his book Glimpses of a Golden Childhood, he suggested that Rajneesh suffered from a fundamental lack of parental discipline, due to his growing up in the care of overindulgent grandparents. Rajneesh's self-avowed Buddha status, he concluded, was part of a delusional system associated with his narcissistic personality disorder; a condition of ego-inflation rather than egolessness.
In 2011, author Farrukh Dhondy reported that film star Kabir Bedi was a fan of Rajneesh, and viewed Rajneesh's works as "the most sublime interpretations of Indian philosophy that he had come across". Dhondy himself viewed Rajneesh as "the cleverest intellectual confidence trickster that India has produced. His output of the 'interpretation' of Indian texts is specifically slanted towards a generation of disillusioned westerners who wanted (and perhaps still want) to 'have their cake, eat it' [and] claim at the same time that cake-eating is the highest virtue according to ancient-fused-with-scientific wisdom."
Shortly before his death, Rajneesh suggested that one or more audience members at evening meetings (now referred to as the White Robe Brotherhood) were subjecting him to some form of evil magic. A search for the perpetrators was undertaken, but none could be found.
A literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.
1) i always watched "platitude", in its full meaning, as derived from... plato = as in - this world's mental is conditioned ("programmed", if YOU want) by plato & euclid... 2) as a living "i'm only human" paradox, of course rajneesh got insane...
= i don't know what a rolls-royce means to history, but rajneesh was the only person in history who owned 93 rolls-royces - gifts from rich devotees, most of 'em...
i have trouble with this mind-game: what the difference/idiosincrasy between chaos & infinite would be ? i mean, chaos would imply unlimited ways of manifestation, as in posibilityes - while order implyes... limitations/barriers/cuantificatyion ?...
The phrase unanswered questions or undeclared questions - "unfathomable, unexpounded", in Buddhism, refers to a set of common philosophical questions that Buddha refused to answer ...
= as in - this world's mental is conditioned ("programmed", if YOU want) by plato & euclid...
2) as a living "i'm only human" paradox, of course rajneesh got insane...
= i don't know what a rolls-royce means to history, but rajneesh was the only person in history who owned 93 rolls-royces - gifts from rich devotees, most of 'em...
what the difference/idiosincrasy between chaos & infinite would be ?
i mean, chaos would imply unlimited ways of manifestation, as in posibilityes - while order implyes... limitations/barriers/cuantificatyion ?...