All he is able to do is fish in the river near his castle, Corbenic, and wait for someone who might be able to heal him. Healing involves the expectation of the use of magic. Knights travel from many lands to heal the Fisher King, but only the chosen can accomplish the feat. This is Percival in earlier stories; in later versions, he is joined by Galahad and Bors.
The number 5 has always been regarded as mystical and magical, yet essentially 'human'. We have five fingers/toes on each limb extremity.We commonly note five senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. We perceive five stages or initiations in our lives - eg. birth, adolescence, coitus, parenthood and death. (There are other numbers / initiations / stages / attributions).
What the grail is is in fact a great mistery. A simple cup? Not likely, how can a material object change anything? It has to be much more than that, something mind blowing and deeply transforming, not something that serves to drink liquids with. Aparently to find the grail would hve an imediate effect on the taker, what the efect is is also not clear. I suspect that searching for personal transformation outside of us is an hoax, it does not work. I suspect too that we are our own grail.
obviously, YOU guys didn' t pay-atentyion to my previous posts HERE on subjects as prometheyks & ufos & ...
i can post many such kind, a romanyan clairvoyant offered valuable infos on "world misteryes"... &, they are posted on the net ... &, translate-able... i'd say...
Gottfried de Purucker was an author and theosophist who, when asked about intermarriage in 1930, said "In answering your question very briefly, I can say simply this, that the time has not come when I would willingly suggest intermarriage; but I am in honesty bound to qualify that by saying that the race of the future will be a composite, composed of the many different races on earth today.