"The will of God is the flawless diamond, it is the shining of the Divine Mind, it is the rushing of the wind of the Spirit, and it is the strength and laughter of real identity." [xiii]
"Life is not worth living when it is lived even for a moment outside of the will of God." [xiv]
El Morya had incarnations as Abraham--the father of three world religions--and Melchior, one of the Wise Men to visit Jesus at the time of his birth. He was King Arthur, 6th century King of Britain and worked under the guidance of Merlin (St. Germain) to create the Order of the Knights of the Round Table.
As Thomas a Becket, he resigned the position of Lord Chancellor of England when Henry II appointed him Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162. In 1172, he was canonized saint and martyr.
During the 16th century, El Morya incarnated as Sir Thomas Moore. In this lifetime, El Morya as Sir Thomas Moore was appointed Lord Chancellor by Henry VIII in 1529. When the King desired to divorce his first wife, who was childless, and marry Anne Boleyn, Moore refused to support him in his decision because it went against the laws of the church. As a result, Moore was beheaded in 1535. He was canonized Saint Thomas Moore in 1935.
From 1556 through 1605, he reigned as Akbar the Great, the most powerful of the Mogul emperors of India. He abolished discrimination against Hindus. "His capital city became a flourishing cultural center where scholars of the Muslim and Hindu sects, Jains, Zoroastrians, and Christians met to discuss theology and philosophy." He strongly supported the arts and music. "His long reign brought peace and prosperity to the entire Indian empire." [xv]
During the 19th century he incarnated as Thomas Moore, national lyricist of Ireland. Then, in his final embodiment, he was a Rajput prince, El Morya Khan. He helped found the Theosophical Society "for the purpose of forming a nucleus for comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science." He ascended in 1898.
As an Ascended Master, El Morya worked with Mark & Elizabeth Claire Prophet to create Summit University for the purpose of teaching & Summit University Press for publishing the Ascended Masters' Teachings. From the Etheric Retreat of God's Will located over the city of Darjeeling, India, El Morya works "with members of the Darjeeling Council and the Brothers of the Diamond Heart in assisting humankind to make the blueprint of every project on Earth reflect the Will of God.[xvi]
El Morya invites us to visit his Darjeeling Retreat of God's Will during your sleep or in meditation. The musical piece "Pomp & Circumstance, by Elgar, is the keynote of the retreat. Listening to this music assists in attuning to the retreat."
- NOW, there are 2 pretenders on abraham ... but, akbar the great was "the other" ... yu ?
Your cousin sure as hell sounds out of it. He IS aware that Nazis were for the whole Aryan-race thing, right? You're definitely not white (and I sure as hell am not either, soy longita!) so neither is he. It makes no sense to me. In a Nazi-run regime, he'd be exterminated (as would I and you).
So... has he tried C.B.T.? Because that would put things in perspective.
The term Holy Guardian Angel was possibly coined either by Abraham of Worms, a German Cabalist who wrote a book on ceremonial magick during the 15th century or Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, the founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn...
False Equivalence fails because it works upon the hubristic assumption that the solution can merely be guessed. Dowsing, however, works without the inconvenience of guesswork.
= i don't giva-fack 'bout akbar... the deal is i obtained fdr's re-inc' ... previous , 'cause actual 's to be found in simkiw-ryerson... as atum-re said = atum-re, the trickster...
... why is fdr's re-inc' imortant ? = it ain't, but he was da 1st usa president contacted by "pleiadians" - a ment / prometheyks factyion... &, eventually... the Yukteswar attitude annoied me...
= who am i, that i dare to take a stand ? = nobody, but it's fuckin' funny !!!
"Ascended Master El Morya
Lord of the 1st Ray
"The will of God is the flawless diamond, it is the shining of the Divine Mind, it is the rushing of the wind of the Spirit, and it is the strength and laughter of real identity." [xiii]
"Life is not worth living when it is lived even for a moment outside of the will of God." [xiv]
El Morya had incarnations as Abraham--the father of three world religions--and Melchior, one of the Wise Men to visit Jesus at the time of his birth. He was King Arthur, 6th century King of Britain and worked under the guidance of Merlin (St. Germain) to create the Order of the Knights of the Round Table.
As Thomas a Becket, he resigned the position of Lord Chancellor of England when Henry II appointed him Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162. In 1172, he was canonized saint and martyr.
During the 16th century, El Morya incarnated as Sir Thomas Moore. In this lifetime, El Morya as Sir Thomas Moore was appointed Lord Chancellor by Henry VIII in 1529. When the King desired to divorce his first wife, who was childless, and marry Anne Boleyn, Moore refused to support him in his decision because it went against the laws of the church. As a result, Moore was beheaded in 1535. He was canonized Saint Thomas Moore in 1935.
From 1556 through 1605, he reigned as Akbar the Great, the most powerful of the Mogul emperors of India. He abolished discrimination against Hindus. "His capital city became a flourishing cultural center where scholars of the Muslim and Hindu sects, Jains, Zoroastrians, and Christians met to discuss theology and philosophy." He strongly supported the arts and music. "His long reign brought peace and prosperity to the entire Indian empire." [xv]
During the 19th century he incarnated as Thomas Moore, national lyricist of Ireland. Then, in his final embodiment, he was a Rajput prince, El Morya Khan. He helped found the Theosophical Society "for the purpose of forming a nucleus for comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science." He ascended in 1898.
As an Ascended Master, El Morya worked with Mark & Elizabeth Claire Prophet to create Summit University for the purpose of teaching & Summit University Press for publishing the Ascended Masters' Teachings. From the Etheric Retreat of God's Will located over the city of Darjeeling, India, El Morya works "with members of the Darjeeling Council and the Brothers of the Diamond Heart in assisting humankind to make the blueprint of every project on Earth reflect the Will of God.[xvi]
El Morya invites us to visit his Darjeeling Retreat of God's Will during your sleep or in meditation. The musical piece "Pomp & Circumstance, by Elgar, is the keynote of the retreat. Listening to this music assists in attuning to the retreat."
- NOW, there are 2 pretenders on abraham ... but, akbar the great was "the other" ... yu ?
I can easily give up T.V. and social media. As for books... I'm currently in college. So that's a no for the moment.
Thanks!!!! Again!
Your cousin sure as hell sounds out of it. He IS aware that Nazis were for the whole Aryan-race thing, right? You're definitely not white (and I sure as hell am not either, soy longita!) so neither is he. It makes no sense to me. In a Nazi-run regime, he'd be exterminated (as would I and you).
So... has he tried C.B.T.? Because that would put things in perspective.