The White Knight



  • Every major chakra that is located along the sushumna has knots in the sushumna. The knots block energy flow ...
  • edited December 2016
  • A workshop, ok? But how, ive been experiencing like heavy blood pressure

    Dont know if its because of this
  • Im sitting when i stand up i have this uncomfortable rush of blood? And lights...
  • Thank you teacher, i got something similar from a reading. But you know am skeptical about me.
  • edited December 2016
    lip up fatty means shut up?

    ghouls plan to make us alien?

    the transexual thing sound like somthing crowleyan
  • insearchofmindcontrolblackassassins has many webs on transexuality and occultysm.
  • julian assange - eric snowden

    What’s Really on Snowden’s Datacloud
    What are the spooks really worried about that is on Snowden’s spooky datacloud download? Here are some of the goodies that may come out soon:
    1. Project IBIS names and fates of all involved.
    2. James Casbolt time travel missions.
    3. Aaron McCollum’s top secret off world missions prior to joining the Idylwild Group.
    4. Details on the Montauk extraction of Alastair Crowley.
    5. Data files on the Tall Whites.
    6. Data files on the Lehar People.
    7. Information on the Odin Spear.
    8. Proof that Mark Richards was framed,
    9, List of top US Space Command personnel and the ships they are in.
    10. Proof of earth gold sent to First Bank of Mars.
    11. Data files on the Benjamin Fulford clones.
    12. Proof of bases on the moon.
    13. My 3D life past name.

  • edited December 2016
    There are certain advanced mental techniques that can be used to access such information. These techniques are highly subjective, however. Any preconceived ideas or insufficient mind expansion would render the results useless. Many remote viewers ended up in mental institutions. In the end, the goal is to end speculation, but through extraordinary means.
  • edited November 2017

    = john razimus hughston - i wuldn't mention my name if i was him = thank GOD i'm me & not such a ...
  • The term cult usually refers to a social group defined by their religious beliefs, or common interest in a particular personality, object or goal.
  • = i don't care what "cult" is all-about. i am not member of any group, not even of this one... = i'm HERE 'cause YOU - i mean this GROUP of the few "chosen-ones" - allow me to keep-on-hangin'-out-in & i feel ... kinda-myself while... i almost communicate with YOU = ha,ha,ha ?
    ... whether YOU refere to the sgn - i call ' "yantra-of-TRUTH" = this presents a "personal" history...&, HERE is the story : as a teenager, i once had a few spiritism ses'ions & when i asked for a representation of the TRUTH, the invited "spirit" showed me this "design" = me & my homie i was with used a piece-of-chalk & a desk & the cups we were touching moved back-&-forward until this draw 's been put-together on the desk... THEN, i copyed it on several pieces of paper as accurate as i was able-to... 
    ... later-on, i showed the version i 've been obtaining to somebody i trusted & the person told me it wasn't complete - & explained me what was mis'ing & completed "the sign"... 
    ... later-on, one of the "documents" i gave to a coleague from the high-school & i lost all the other "copyes" - when i 've met my coleague, years after this, i got back the only copy in the world of this & i've made hand-made & xerox copyes - one = this one i captured-on-pic - i kept ' on me ...
    ...&, HERE is my share of this "symbolistyk"
    - it's not any cult-sign & i don' t think THERE is another anywhere-else.

    = did i mentyon ... i LOVE Jeff Turner ?
  • To end speculation he wave to have certainties to put in the place of the speculation. Where can I buy some? It would be my christmas gift.
  • = ok, PAULOJOSE = what ' YOU wanna know ? for sure, ma'an... = ha,ha,ha ?
  • ferz, just a simple thing what I want to know, what is the right route, for me, for everybody? Am I asking too much? Sure I am, but asking little is to no avail, we should always  ask big, perhaps there will be no answer but we sure tried.
  • We are already in a crisis, we could try to avoid speculation so it wont get worse.
    Resultado de imagen para george soros speculation
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