There are many reasons why superficial likenesses throw simple minds into confusion. This confusion can be combated by deprogramming techniques and a little mental training.
For instance, we can compare Oliver Platt and Swami Vivekananda, BUT we must look beyond the temptation to perceive assumed likeness as meaning reincarnation or cloning.
It takes almost super-human psychic energy to ponder upon the similarities between chalk and cheese and there is also the question of WHY.
Procyon in Canis Minor, Sirius in Canis Major, and Betelgeuse in Orion together form a collection of 1st magnitude stars known as the Winter Triangle, and are therefore rather hard to miss.
Jeffrey Jones, who was busted in 2003 for employing a 14-year-old boy to pose for sexually explicit photos, constantly fails to keep his information up to date with California.
The deriving of sexual gratification from sexual fantasies or acts involving the creation of alternate realities and news is a fundamental right of all entertainment and political stars and Trump is RUINING it?
Theosophist C.W. Leadbeater wrote that the Master Hilarion's primary influence is upon the scientists of the world.
In the teachings of Alice A. Bailey, the fifth ray of the seven rays, called by Alice A. Bailey the orange ray, which he is said to oversee, is called the ray of concrete science.
Theosophist C.W. Leadbeater wrote that the Master Hilarion's primary influence is upon the scientists of the world.
In the teachings of Alice A. Bailey, the fifth ray of the seven rays, called by Alice A. Bailey the orange ray, which he is said to oversee, is called the ray of concrete science.